Thursday, 31 March 2011

I've been tagged

1) Adakah anda rasa anda HOT?
I'm getting hotter by a minute.. Nak demam ni.. Tak suka!

2) Upload gambar Wallpaper/Pic anda guna sekarang.

3) Cerita pasal gambar.
Cantik. As simple as that.

4) Bila kali terakhir anda makan ayam?
Baru sebentar tadi.. Ayam masak merah..

5) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Higher. Dalam kereta menuju ke tampat membeli lauk tengah hari.. yummm

6) Apa anda buat semasa menyelesaikan tag ini?
Menahan sakit badan.

7) Selain nama sendiri anda dipanggil apa?
Along, Aena, Ina, Ana, Hazwani, Wani

8) Tag 8 orang.

9) Siapakah no 1 anda? (merujuk soklan no 8)
Tasha! Kawan time kecik-kecik.

10) Katakan sesuatu untuk no 5. (merujuk soklan no 8)
Ini perempuan, banyak drama punya orang. Nebby

11) Orang no 3 berhubung dengan sapa? (merujuk soklan no 8)
Dia orang banyak hubungan.. hoho.. ♥Zax

12) Bagaimana pulak no 4? (merujuk soklan no 8)
Ini manusia, banyak baik.. Selalu belanja.. Tapi, time dia tak belanja, sakit kira duit..

13) Pesanan buat no 6. (merujuk soklan no 8)
♥jue - Jangan banyak sangat emosi.. Tau la budak teater.. Hehehe.. teruskan buat saya jeles, dapatkan ANC itu!!! Hehehe

14) Kata-kata cinta buat no 2. (merujuk soklan no 8)
Totty, lame tak jumpa, I miss u very the much-lah. Nanti jumpa, jimba sampai lebam yea..

15) Adakah no 7 dan no 8 mempunyai persamaan? (merujuk soklan no 8)
Chah dan Acab? Tidak~

16) Berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang orang yang anda tag no 1. (merujuk soklan no 8)
Seorang yang comel, pakai apa pun cantik
Seorang yang pandai guna DSLR bukan auto mode
Seorang yang bakal menjadi rujukan mereka yang rabun
Seorang yang sangat cool!
Seorang yang dah lama saya tak jumpa~

17) Persamaan antara kambing dan lembu.
Dua-dua busuk

18) Perasaan bila jawab tag nie.
Perasaan penat.

19) Gay or les.
Saya ada boyfriend, so, of coz la saya gay!

Arau Banjir Lagi

Sekali lagi, Arau hujan 3 hari berturut-turut. Kami berdoa moga tidak banjir. Tapi, Tuhan telah merancang semuanya terlebih dahulu..

Pukul 12.31pm, Cikgu Kudin menghantar mesej berbunyi,

'Keputusan mesyuarat bencana banjir uitm pelajar diarahkan balik hingga ahad mulai ptg ini.smua aktiviti persatuan,kelas ko di bekukan!'

Lalu, tanpa segan silu, saya forwardkan mesej tersebut kepada rakan-rakan. Ada yang kurang kepercayaan, saya minta mereka refer Facebook MPP UiTM Perlis yang meletakkan status,

'Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera.
Rektor mengeluarkan arahan pelajar DIBENARKAN balik kampung, cuti sehingga selesai dan rujuk emel uitm perlus untuk maklumat lanjut. Tiada paksaan untuk pulang ke kampung masing-masing.
Bas ke stesen bas disediakan di mushroom jam 2 petang. Semua aktiviti kelab dan persatuan akan dibekukan sehingga Ahad ini. Waspada akan keadaan bahaya dan jaga diri masing-masing. TQ'

Seketika kemudian, Nebby mesej, 'Nak balik?'. Macam orang mengantuk disorong bantal, menggelejat bersetuju. Dengan syarat, hanya membawa laptop balik.

Kami memulakan perjalanan, menaiki 2 kereta pada pukul 3.30pm.

Pit Stop #1 : Alor Star - Ean
Pit Stop #2 : Penang - Azry
Pit Stop #3 : Gunung Semanggol - Acab
Pit Stop #4 : Gunung Lang, Ipoh - Yop & Hery
Pit Stop #5 : Silibin, Ipoh - Kereta Kak Zati & Meow
Pit Stop #6 : Rapat Setia Baru, Ipoh - Tira
Pit Stop #7 : Rapat Setia Baru, Ipoh - Aena
Pit Stop #8 : Chandan Desa, Ipoh - Nana
Pit Stop #9 : Kg. Temiang, Ipoh - Nebby & Jem

Tu baru kawan-kawan, belum kira 3 pit stop toilet dan 1 pit stop makan. Setiap pit stop pun main and take time to get back on the road.

Alhamdulillah, 11.00pm, samapai lah saya ke rumah.. Thank you Nebby, thank you kawan-kawan.

Nebby & Coco - The Couple

Jem, Nana, Tira, Aena - The Girls

Acab, Yop, Hery, Ean - The Boys

p/s: Ni excited main picnik!

pp/s: Kepala sangat saket, tapi degil nak siapkan post ini. Hargailah ia. HEHEHE! Selamat malam semua. Moga Arau tidak diapa-apakan oleh banjir. Aminnnn~

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Masa : 4.00 pagi

Tempat : Kolej Siding

Situasi : Bilik terkunci
Roommate tak tahu dimana (call tidak berjawab)
J.Me ikut balik bilik
Nana dan Tira, tidur dengan lena nya

Mood : Marah! Bengang! Sedih! Malu!

Kesimpulan : Tidur berhimpit dengan Nana
J.Me terpaksa balik bilik di Inai semula

p/s: Maaf J.Me.. Kecuaian saya, tak check sebelum keluar bilik.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Khas buat:


Musim hujan ni, harap korang tak dipulaukan lagi macam sem lepas. =)

Sem lepas pun banjir, umah mereka yang dikelilingi sawah tu,
sawah tu dinaiki air.
Maka, terciptalah, pulau rumah...

Power Rangers Merah

Hi! Nama saya Aina Hazwani!
Cita-cita saya nak jadi Power Rangers Merah!

Thanks Part 5 DBS! Great tribute! Comel sangat lah korang ni!
Thanks Part 4 DBS! Great dinner! Best decoration!

Juta-juta thanks to Part 6 lah!
Thanks for the great 3 years!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

When I Grow Up

... I want...

I want a comfortable home, to live with a family of my own. A loving husband and children.

I also wanted a bathtub. The first house I remembered living in, had a bathtub. Recently my aunt renovated her house and they got themselves a bathtub. Uuuuu.. Bathtub is soooooooo, sexy..

I also wanted a washing machine with a see through lid, so that I do not have to stop the operation but in the same time see what going on with the clothes. It's not like I did not trust the machine with my clothes, it just, I like to see the process.

I would also like to have the kitchen, a contemporary kitchen, where I'll be cooking lunch (weekends) and dinner (weekdays) for the family. I'll be baking cakes and biscuits for birthdays and Hari Raya. I'll have my friend over and gossip while having coffee. And in-laws who came to condemn my cooking and for me not taking care of her son good enough. He'll always be her baby. In the end, she'll reveal the secret to make the best food in the whole wide world.
I really like to have that thing, I think they call it island? Bar? *update Counter!! (Thank you Nebby) Not for liquor, but for the above usage of course. A real chill and relax environment.

See, the kitchen part is where my passion leads me. Hope I'll be able to get these.. =)


Sunday, 20 March 2011

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Can't Can Wait

I can't wait to leave this place where everybody is talking behind your back, stabbing each other and lastly put on their happy face.

I can't wait to leave this place, where mummy and daddy sent you to study, but you turns out to be a thief.

I can't wait to leave this place where everybody doesn't have to courage to say things face-to-face.


I can wait leaving here when this place bare so much memories.

I can wait leaving here when my girls and boys are together here.

I can wait leaving here when I don't think I spent enough time with them.

Here's a lil sumtin' sumtin' for dearest girls

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Apologies to dear TottyMatAli

Maaf karena telah membuat perasaan anda marah membuak-buak terhadap saya..

Sampai buat blog entri yang marah sungguh..

Indirectly mempromote blog anda!!

Anyway, in my defense lagi..

Terima kasih sebab terasa, saya sangat terharu, sebab anda still care..

I thought I'm nobody to you dah.. Thank you dear!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Cubaan satu

Jika anda seorang gadis sunti sudah cukup umur untuk mendirikan rumah tangga.

Adakah anda mampu memasak???

Jika jawapan anda ya. Apakah yang anda mampu masak??

Nasi goreng kampung? Pasta? Cupcakes??


Stop! stop! stop! right there!

Pasta? - Lepas la spaghetti untuk adik-adik..

Cupcakes? - Kek coklat ada kuah.. sedap!

Nasi goreng kampung? - Boleh, tengok resipi, jadi punya..

'Kau mampu masak nasi pakai dapur? Bukan rice cooker??'


Cubaan pertama - gagal (Nasi lembik)

Friday, 11 March 2011

Girls and Drama - Dr Wan Ita

Hello hello! Good day everybody!! How are you alls today?

First thing first, I would like all of you to wish my dearest friend, Nurul Athirah Noor Azman, to get well soon. She had accident in the lab yesterday. Ouch! Get well soon Tira and we'll celebrate the best birthday next week aye?

Then, let us all pray for victims and people in Japan. Hope nothing get worst. Hope everything will be better.

Ok! Today, I'm going to write a fiction. Some kind of 'talk show'? So, I'll be changing personality.. Bare with me here dearest..


Assalamualaikum and good day people. My name is Dr. Wan Ita. I'll be taking questions about girls/women/female. I'll try my best to answer your questions ok?

Let's start.

'Dr. Wan! Why should we listen to you?' Reporter #1

Well, I might not have organization, but I have experience of being a girl for 21 years now. Everything I say might not be true, but this is just an opinion. And please, call me Dr. Ita, Wan sounds like men.

'Good enough Dr. Ita. Can you explain why girls like drama?' Vogue girl #1

Thank you Vogue Girl. Nice hijab by the way. Why girls like drama. Here, we can divide into 2. Watch and make. Watch dramas and make one. It actually complement. Girls are bored, that's why they like to watch dramas. And when they watch those drama in television, cinemas, DVDs etc. they have the urge to make one. That's when you can see, a simplest break-ups lead to suicide. A simple misunderstood turns to war. A simple facts turn to major gossips.

I choose to believe girls do not like it simple, though they say they like it simple. Easiest example, a girl who would like to buy a lipstick for everyday use. What comes to mind? A red lipstick of course. For the 1 lipstick, a girl can round KLCC, Pavilion, Fahrenheit, Times Square, Bukit Bintang, Mid Valley, Alamanda, Sogo .... (sorry I'm exaggerating, excited to list all the malls).. That's not all, they went to compare price, in MAC, Elianto, Body Shop, Face Shop etc.. and 1 more facts, the red they want, it's complicated. Do you know when girls say red, she actually means marron, pink, light red, baby pink, rose red, blood red etc. In the end, they'll go back to the first store they went, and bought the first lipstick they held.

For us, nothing is simple. A simple maths can goes complicated too. (I experienced this) Girls mind tend to see complicated, that why simple stuff goes complicated.

But there's a pro too.. Say, a boy love the girl just the way she is. It's as simple as that. Girls, love them 10 times more. Same goes to hatred. If you hate a girl, believe me, the hated girl hates you 10 times more and their friend will hate you too. Usually in girl-girl friendship relationship.

You don't need to pay extra attention to girls, a simple attention, care, compliment can goes big, Girls might say you like them. If you don't want that to happen, don't.

Life is a drama, and we are the actors. Play your role accordingly. In the end, the Director will decide to let you stay in or cut you out.

Till then, Dr. Wan Ita, signing off..

If you have question, don't hesitates, ask, I'll try to answer.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Nur Jamilah Zubir

Also known as Jem, Jamie, J.Me, La, Miloh, Jamilah etc.

She's a nice young lady, who spoke to me first (I'm not good with first approach)
She LOVES pink.
She LOVES cats. And all cats in this whole-wide-world is called baby.

During the orientation, most of the girls got food poisoning. I notices, Jem is not around, as a good friend, I ask, weather she's all right (concern). I sent her a text asking about her, and she said she's fine. She ended the text by saying 'Thank you. I love you.' As a naive-fresh-graduate-from-all-girls -school.. I misinterpret the text and saying she's a lesbian! OMG!!! I just got here and I got an admirer?! (Perempuan-gile-perasan!). But now, I known her for 3 years, and I know, that I truly love her.

Jamie.. I'll be missing you..

I'll miss playing with you during the class..
I'll miss listening tho 'asheme' and 'nomo-nomo' songs..
I'll miss playing the screen during presentation..
I'll miss gossiping..
I'll miss godaan membunuh..
I'll miss kemanjaan menggerunkan..
I'll miss 'Aku tumbok kang!'..
I'll miss 'Jangan panggil Jem Miloh, nanti Jem merajuk.'..
I'll miss pink..
I'll miss Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Jamie.. Thank you..

Thank you for the great diploma years..
Thank you for being the straw to my berry.. (Tak suka sangat strawberry sebenarnya)
Thank you for sharing..
Thank you for arguing..
Thank you for laughing..
Thank you for playing..
Thank you for studying..
Thank you for being Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Jamie.. Sorry..

Sorry if I ever bad-mouth..
Sorry if I hurt you purposely or not..
Sorry if I ask you to play too much..
Sorry if I did anything you did not like..
Sorry if I lied..
Sorry if I ever made you cry..
Sorry Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Don't cry Jamie.. I love you..

Let me get this clear

I'm a girl who actually don't give a damn about littlest things.

Say, people bad-mouthing about me behind my back - don't give a damn.

But just to clarify, something..

I actually just start wearing tudung full-timer after I came to Arau, study my diploma.

I used to not wearing tudung during sport, playing with water (swimming pool, wet world, beach), went out with the girls free-hair and sometimes, just because I feel uncomfortable wearing tudung, I'll take it off.

I don't have extra-ordinary, up-to-date hairstyle. Just cause.

Stop stereotyping. A friend comes from KL doesn't means she's a shopaholic. A friend from military school doesn't mean he can't dance. A friend wearing tudung doesn't means she cannot talk to boys.

Basah Kering

Nak cakap tak pandai, dah masuk universiti.

Nak cakap pandai, buat perangai macam tak boleh fikir.

C'mon la weii.. Aku pun tak belajar Pendidikan Sivik dulu, tapi, boleh fikir la apa jadi kalau...

Kau duduk aras atas, sidai baju, menitik kat baju aku, kalau jadi kat baju kau, kau marah tak?

Kita hidup berkomuniti, fikir la orang sikit.

Atau kau suka baju kau basah disimbah air..

Bukan aku yang buat..

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Alamak aii.. Roti pun boleh jadi isu besar punya!

Me, Tira and Nana, tiap minggu beli roti, gilir-gilir.
Nana missed 1 week so, dia kena beli 2 weeks in a row lah.
Kami (Aena and Tira) da ingatkan beli roti hari Isnin sebab roti cepat habis.
Nana terlupa lagi, and I believe ia merunsingkan kepala beliau.

Selain itu, roti yang beliau beli juga, jarang habis.

Chill ye babe.

p/s: Tira dah merajuk, dia nak beli roti bilis banyak-banyak. =p Melawak je ye

Monday, 7 March 2011

Family Day DBS

First time ada banner! Excited saya!! Kawan-kawan pun excited kan?? Baik ngaku cepat!!

Geng tekun buat pom-pom.

Geng budak perempuan. Yang masih bertahan sehingga akhir.

Mak kami.
Nama saya Mak.
Saya suka pegang beg anak-anak saya. (Muhammad Farhaziq bin Ab Manaf, 2011)

Geng Part 6.
Geng Rumah Hijau.
Takde pasal, cari pasal.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Hari Sukan DBS

5 Mac 2011
Sport Complex
8.30am - 7 pm

Nak tulis banyak-banyak tapi penat sangat.
Nak letak gambar banyak-banyak tapi malas.

Netball.Center.Goal Attack.

Takde pasal, cari pasal.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Book of Life, Panas

Hari ini hari yang sangat panassss..

Cuaca panas, bilik panas, baju panas, hati pun panas..

Kadang-kala ada sesi yang panas-panas ni, seronok juga...

Kasi bukak sikit mata yang tertutup tu..

Macam mata saya ini..

The Book of Aena’s Life

It’s been a while since I last check this book...Urgh! Dusty... AAAAAACCCHHHHOOOO!!!! Alhamdulillah.. Ehem2.. Lets’ see who’s written in this book..

*flip first page*

Alllah s.w.t.

God Almighty. Alhamdulillah for giving me the chance to life, for the chance to be living until today, for all the good things in life and also for the bad times You sent as a test. Alhamdulillah.

*flip second page*


Mak, Ayah, Baeh, Api, Anis, Awe... Thank you for always being there. Thank you for the nagging, the fight, the wresting, the ugly faces, and the useless cry. Thank you too for the vacations, the food, the clothes, the house, the security, the laughter. You are the best mummy, daddy, brothers and sister in the whole wide world. I would trade my life if God wants to have yours first. Thank you Allah for making me be a part of them.

*flip third page*

Muhamad Alif Mokhtar

It’s only been 5 months or so. To find you on the ‘third’ page is a big whoah! Harap jodoh kita panjang, because I’m already comfort having you in my life, I can’t imagine if you’re not a part of the ‘book’. If people don’t like us, let them be. Do we have disturbed their life? Me think no too.

*flip fourth page*

Puteri Nabila Hamzah

I’ve seen your face almost every day for the last 14 years, I’m not bored and I believe I won’t. This will be cliché but you are the bestest friend in the whole wide world.

*flip fifth page*

Nur Zulaiha, Nur Jamilah, Atikah Saadah

I’ve known you girls for 3 years now. For 3 years, I don’t know that we are not people’s favourite. Well, what the hell, are they our favourite?? Me think no too. Do keep in touch because I don’t believe in lost contact in this 21st century. If there’s a lost contact cases, it’s just because they choose to lose the connection.

*flip sixth page*

Hazlina, Nurul Athirah

I’ve spent days, nights in your room, more after I knew there’s ‘something-something’ in my room. Thank you for the bed, thank you for the food, thank you for the internet connection, thank you for sharing, thank you for laughter, thank you for the movies, thank you for the makeup, thank you for the motorcycle, thank you for everything.

*flip seventh page*


We are family. We’ve been so close, almost every day spent together. But not anymore. My fault. Blame it on me. I don’t have the urge to go out. Sorry guys. Moreover, after this, I have to step back from socializing with guys. One of the ambitions for degree studies.

*flip eighth page*


*flip ninth page*


*flip, flip, flip till end*

*close the book*

Sigh, nope, you guys are not in my life. Any particular reason why I have to consider your opinion about my lifestyle, friends etc.? Me think no too.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

BBQ Class Gitu

Alkisah, hari tu, classmates organized BBQ. Tough not everybody attended, it was really a great success. To food was amazing, the laughter, the bond of friendship (ye budak bisnes, bukan bond dalam Finance tu ye). Basically, everything is superb.

It was held somewhere in block A, do not exactly know the specific name, near Dewan Sri Semarak, formerly known as Dewan Baru. There's nothing newer than baru, might as well change the name. *wink*

I arrived at crime scene (where they grilled chicken, prawn, kerang, squid etc) at 8.15pm with Jue and J.Me. Surprisingly, everything was almost ready.

Saya terkedu, terekejut, malu, segan pun ada. It's like I'm just a visitor, a VIP. It's kind of a good thing, to do nothing. But, tak sedap hati-lah, diri-lah, badan lah.

The pictures are from sszz's 'Saya seorang part 6 (:' photo album in Facebook. Even the boys came to help.

Ape ni anak dara ni.

p/s: Just to make myself feels better, if it works, I don't know when they start cooking, I waited for anybody to call or cheaper, text. Bukan too dependent on others, just, the proposal have not come to knowledge.


The happy family (not all)

the girl friend and a boy sibuk