Saturday, 30 July 2011

Nasib badan

Alahaiiiii la nasib......

Awal pagi, sarapan bersama teman, Cik Khai dan Cik Fira..

Seronok menikmati Roti Telur Goyang sebelum Ramadhan..

Kenalah saman~

Lupa letak parking ticket!

Nasib badan~

Alahaiiiii la nasib......

Seronok bersembang, lupa dunia, lupa daratan, lupa lautan..

Jam dah pukul 11.30 pagi, masuk kerja 1.00 petang..

Ingat nak bersenam..

Sahaja sekejap...

Nasib badan~

Alahaiiiii la nasib......

Lepas bersenam, perut menjerit minta di isi...

Berlalu ke kedai roti..

Belek purse nak membayar..

4 keping not RM50 lesappppp~

Nasib badan~

Friday, 29 July 2011

Stomach Ache

Incik BF got severe stomach ache... again..

Sometimes I got severe stomach ache that I feel like killing myself too.

So, I've Google the remedies and care to share with you, people I love.


Stretch slowly, breathe in and out at a certain pace.
Drink carbonated beverages, like sprite. Lean on a wall face towards the wall, a burp may help, or even gas.

Visit the toilet.

Lie on your back and rub your stomach up and down.

Your feet must be at a higher level than the rest of your body.
Try putting some pillows below your feet and the ache may go away.

Drink an herbal liquid which aids digestion, such as ginger ale, or Aloe Vera Juice or tea.
Similar herbal teas that help digestion include mint, ginger or chamomile tea.

Place a heating pad on your abdomen to give temporary pain relief.

Lie down for an hour and relax.
  • Don't do any activities even if you feel better. Make sure you feel better for good or you'll make yourself even more sick.
  • Place a cool moist washrag over your forehead and watch tv and just relax.
  • Breathe slowly and evenly, trying to keep your mind off of the pain.
  • Listen to some music if you get sleepy.
  • Enjoy a nice Ginger Beer/Ale - The ginger helps calm down the stomach! *or Losyen Mustajab maybe?
  • Sip a glass of iced water slowly or warm/hot water.
  • Eat crackers or toast. Sometimes stomach aches are caused by too much acid floating around in your stomach with nothing to do. These foods will help absorb the acid to make things a little more comfortable. Also, sipping a glass of water will help to dilute the acid in your stomach.
  • Lie on your left side for 5 minutes on a comfortable couch or bed to see whether it will allow you to burp. This is because the stomach is on the left side of the body and the esophagus enters the stomach on the right. So, the bubbles of gas can rise to that entry point and make a burp possible.
  • Drinking black coffee tends to aid the digestive process. (sometimes it does the opposite though and can make the stomach ache worse)
  • Always drinking dairy products, though if the stomach ache is being caused by not enough acid inside the stomach, it is a great idea to drink milk which is a base and neutralizes acid.
  • Use a hot water bottle pressed to your abdomen, but be careful it's not so hot that it burns you.
  • Sit down comfortably and bring your knees up to your chest and stay like that for a minute or two. When you stretch your legs out again, do so slowly.

Aiyaaa!!! I've closed the tab I get this information from.. Now you can caught me plagiarism.. Sorry!! SO, just Google it!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Truth Hurts

Hi! Long time no see. How are you? You look healthy.

HI! Long time no see. How are you? You look fat.

Diet, gym, supplement.

*laughing together* I like the way you handle the department. You are efficient!

*laughing together* I like the way you handle the department. You are kissing our boss's ass!

Demotivated, Lack of self confidence

Sometimes I rather live happily in lies rather than hurt in truth.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Dulu, aku marah betul orang yang boleh sayang / cinta 2-3 orang dalam satu masa.

Aku perempuan, aku tahu, such behavior is IMPOSSIBLE!

Aku perempuan ketinggalan zaman, waktu aku berada di tahun kedua diploma, aku baru mulai membaca buku Lagenda Budak Setan.

Setelah habis membaca, baru aku tahu lelaki boleh menyayangi / mencintai lebih dari seorang perempuan dalam satu masa.

Lelaki mampu berbuat demikian.

Kalau tak, tak kan Islam membenarkan lelaki berpoligami?

Mengikut syarat lah ditetapkan lah mesti.


Saya pro-poligami, kalau lelaki boleh berlaku begini.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

One In A Million Is So Yesterday

Yes, I know this is SOOOOOOO yesterday.
But I do find this song is so very sweet.

Sing this song for/to me cepat!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

It will never be the same

Semester akhir aku di UiTM dah tak sama tanpa
Fakhri Azri

Gurauan senda, usik mengusik, gelak menangis dah tak sama tanpa
Puteri Nabila

Perjalanan ke kelas, Permainan dalam kelas, Pembentangan dalam kelas takkan sama tanpa
Nur Zulaiha, Nur Jamilah, Atikah Saadah, Shazatul Shifaa Zulaikha

Jamuan makan, lawatan sambil belajar mengenali sesama sendiri tak sama tanpa
Diploma in Business Studies July 2008 intake

Menangkap gambar dengan makhluk penyibuk tak sama tanpa
Aiman A Zarin dan Radin Amir Affendy

Road trips, overnight, shisha will not be the same without

Diharap sesi kutuk mengutuk, maki memaki, dan berkawan dengan the very wrong person stay the same with
Muhammad Farhaziq

I'll be in Arau people.
For at least 1 and a half years.
Wish me luck without your presence.
This person misses you, will be missing you.

Monday, 18 July 2011


Kenapa lah Anwar Hadi yang menang Wow Awards tu?
Matlutfi lagi best!
Tapi, yelah.. Voters mesti ramai perempuan.
Anwar Hadi hensem la jugak..


Senang nak cakap
I'm sorry
Saya minta maaf

Senang nak cakap
I love you
Saya cintakan awak

Senang nak cakap
Thank you
Terima kasih

Senang juga nak cakap
Excuse me
Tumpang lalu / tumpang tanya

Bagi saya, you don't really mean it when you say something important in language besides your mother tongue.

Tak cukup menusuk kalbu.

Rezeki masing-masing

Saya pemegang diploma dari UiTM.

Saya bakal meneruskan pengajian Ijazah Sarjana Muda di UiTM.

UiTM dihatiku? Sikit lah.

Semester akhir di UiTM, saya ingin memohon sambung belajar. Saya meminta pandangan para pensyarah. Samada memohon terus dengan UiTM atau UPU.

1. Kamu tak boleh memohon melalui UPU. UPU hanya untuk mereka yang telah tamat belajar. Kamu hanya boleh memohon melalui UiTM. Dibawah tajuk, 'Penerapan Pelajar Diploma Tahun Akhir ke Ijazah Sarjana Muda'

2. Kamu hanya boleh memohon melalui UiTM. Jika kamu memohon UiTM dan UPU, kedua-dua permohonan kamu tidak akan dilayan. Jangan tamak, pilih salah satu sahaja.

3. Jika pilihan kamu adalah memohon melalui UiTM, bagus. Jika kamu tidak memohon melalui UiTM, mana-mana universiti lain tidak akan melayan permohonan kamu, kerana kamu bukan seorang graduan. Mengapakah kamu tidak mahu memohon UiTM? Ramai pelajar diluar sana berebut-rebut untuk menjadi pelajar UiTM.

Saya hanya memohon melalui UiTM, Alhamdulillah, saya berjaya melanjutkan pembelajaran.
Sahabat saya memohon kedua-duanya, alhamdulillah. Beliau dapat tawaran dari dua buah universiti, UiTM dan UM.
Kawan saya tidak memohon UiTM dan hanya memohon UPU, beliau tidak dapat tawaran dari mana-mana pihak universiti pun.

Konklusi saya seorang yang cetek ilmu pengambilan pelajar.
:: UiTM suka mengugut pelajar supaya tidak lari ke universiti lain untuk menyambungkan pelajaran
:: Kadang-kadang, mereka akan menepati janji. Kadang kala, lain pula jadinya.
:: Saya lebih suka menyambungkan pengajian peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda di universiti selain UiTM, tetapi rezeki saya di sini.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Inside here

While I was adjusting my hijab in the toilet.
A member of Fitness Embassy approaches me, Aunty Jo.

'Sayang, you tak pakai tudung, very pretty la,'

Thank you very much Aunty Jo.

'You, inside here, very nice. (Tapping her chest). You wear tudung or not, it doesn't matter. As long as you here nice. It's okay.'


Juadah Murah!

Suatu hari yang menyihatkan.
Setelah usai bersenam,
saya telah bersedia untuk menghadapi hari bekerja.

Sebelum itu,
saya harus menambah tenaga yang telah hilang.

Saya berlalu ke medan selera Kinta City.

Lapar! Saya perlukan sesuatu yang kenyang dan sedap!

Hari cuti, ramai pula manusia disini.

Nasi ayam, bukan pilihan hati dan mulut.

Saya harus membuat pilihan cepat dan tepat!

Nasi Vegetarian.
Sedap! Kenyang! Murah!

Rindu Perlis.
Dimana anda boleh menikmati pelbagai juadah yang sedap dengan harga yang murah!

Monday, 11 July 2011

It's Not Just A Word

Not just a word

Not just a word

Not just a word

Not just a word

Not just a word

Not just a word

Every word designated to mean something.
Literally or poetically.
You can choose to understand it either way.

Friday, 8 July 2011

St. John

Dulu, aku ahli St. John Ambulans.
Biasalah, bila di sekolah, tugas seorang St.John-er ialah, stand-by di belakang perhimpunan, kot-kot ada orang pengsan sebab tak sarapan or dehydrated or stuff.
Ada feel gah sikit menjadi St.John-er.
Tapi, setiap kali bertugas pun, semua orang sihat sejahtera.
Bukan mendoakan perkara buruk, cumu, rasa curiosity untuk mempraktikkan pengajaran amat tebal.

Sekarang, setelah bertahun berlalu, ada juga guna menjadi St.John-er.
Saya mengaplikasikan pengajaran kepada rakan sekerja yang tercedera.
Cepat terima kasih!!
Saudara Shafiq dan saudari Komathi.


Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Peribahasa hari ini

Kalau nak seribu daya,
Taknak seribu dalih.

It as simple as that.

Say, anda meminta sahabat membelikan baju untuk anda.
Sahabat mungkin menjawab.
-Tak ada duit
-Tak reti cari
dan 1001 alasan lain

Faham tak apa yang nak disampaikan?
Dia taknak belikan.
Anda bukan bagi duit pun kat dia.

Let say lagi,
anda push orang untuk beli pakej yang anda jual.
Dia kata:
-Next month I'll come!
-I'm not free!
-Mahai lah (padahal doktor)

Apa maksudnya? Dia tak minat..

As simple as that.

Ramai tak faham or buat-buat tak faham.

Saya, kamu, mereka.

Sama saja dalam hal ini.

We prefer to listen what soothes us.

New favorite word!

Something people think awesome, I think not-too-awesome thing happened to me.

I got in!

Imma be..

A student of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) International Business

*clap clap clap*


You see, the word INTERNATIONAL.. It's frickin' aaawwweeeeeeeesooooomeeeeeee...

The not-so-awesome stuff is..

I'll stuck in Arau.

I have no issues with Arau, just I need new air..

You know what I mean??

But, since I know Arau better, I'll be awesome! Awesome!

So, thanks to awesome people SassyRose for asking and leading me to this entry.

You are awesome!


Yes, my not-so-new favorite word is awesome!
