Sunday, 25 September 2011

Isolation Is Not Good For Me

I have been very depressed here in Arau.
The fact that I'm alone scare the hell out of me.
I'm not a social butterfly.
It is hard for me.
I live in a housing area where no classmate even know where it is.
I felt very isolated.
*Maybe just because I'm going to have my period? This is PMS. I hate it!

I missed my girls too very much I cried when I think of our memories.
The class, the mushroom, the assignments, the isolation (Oh! That's just me) - you name it.
I also hate the meeting other ex-classmate and they'll go like.
'Eh Ainaa. Kau dapat sini ya? Kau dengan siapa eh? Kau seorang ye?'
Isn't it so very clear, I'm not alone. I'm with you (the one asking question).
Seeing this, made me re-realize. I was never part of them. And maybe never will be?
It is pathetic.
You know what follows those questions?
'Jue mana? Jem? Chah? Shifaa? Nebby? Kesian Ainaa.'
They don't even comfort me that they'll here to accompany.
Like I care?
I've always an outcast.

This is an angry post. But I do find a spot of happiness.
I've got assignments to do. To distract me off these situations.
I do have friends who had finished his exams and who haven't start his class.
And one of my girls came to Arau! She misses Arau so much! Do you miss me dear?
Thank you a zillion million to Shazatul Shifaa Zulaikha Zulkifli for visiting!

Last but not least,
I only pray you'll never leave me behind.
Because good music can be so hard to find.

Kesayangans, You are my music of life.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Day 20: Nicknames

The name is 

They call me :

  • Along
  • Aena
  • Nena
  • Wani?
  • Kakak
  • Ina
  • Ana
  • Hazwani
  • Muhammad Ainaa??
  • Cik Putih??!!
  • Cik Comel??!!
  • Aena tough
  • Aena handsome
  • Gaimok??!!
  • Gemu?????
  • Perempuan
*Update ::
  • Aena Banana

Ada lagi tak wahai sahabat handai??

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Reached Arau~

Assalamualaikum! Hello humans! Good day!

How's everybody? Hope you're in pink of health.

So, I've reached Arau, to continue Degree of course..

I'm very bored here, the procedure of registration is very easy.

The credit transfer on the other hand.. I can't comment it, I haven't done that yet.. One question, why does it have to wait till Wednesday?? One day gap is too much! 

Moving on, the friends. The old friends is too busy with assignments, tests and presentation so, it is very rude to disturb them now.. To the new friend, well, the 'spark' is not there yet..

Next! The house! To Jem, my house is pink in colour! I've got the middle room. So, I easily got lost in time while in that room. It's very dark!!

The Arau itself, we're becoming an island. Water surrounding us.. It's flooding!! But don't worry humans, my house is still safe from those threat. Food is still available.. Thank you UiTM for being higher ground than others, so, we can use UiTM as 'bridge' to connect home and food..

In general,


Sekian, thank you.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Day 19: Something You Miss

The Family
Pentipu Besar
FE Crew
RPA Boys
RPA Girls
Crew Siding 113

Shaza Shifaa~

p/s: I do not know how to arrange these picture. So, who comes first or last doesn't matter. These is what I missed, I miss, I'll miss. Take care humans!

Day 16: Dream House

Do refer..

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Day 14: A Picture of You Last Year - How Have You Changed?

So, how have I changed? The colour of baju kurung still blue. I like red / maroon very much but most of my
Ini gambar last year, 2010
baju kurung is blue in colour.

*Do you know, girl tend to like blue more than red / pink. Tough they say they like red, just look at your wardrobe, most men have red shirt and most women have blue shirt..

Anyway, the changes :
  • I've learn to smile while taking pictures, not just muncung! 
  • I've finished my diploma and going to continue my degree.
  • I've learn to wear ring.
  • I've learn to lose the eyeliner.
  • I know more interesting people.

They say you didn't realize your changes. Do tell how I've change. *wink*

Sunday, 4 September 2011


Here me go again..

Warkah ini kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan..

Dear Whoever-You-Are,

Take good care of yourself when you get there ya? For me. I won't be there. Literally. Sorry about that.

So, tak ada siapa nak buat milo for you, don't worry, kedai dekat je. Go to that mamak, order je. Dia buat laaaaaagi sedap. Tu pasal dia jual mahal..

Teruskan bersukan, for your health. Taknak ada semput, taknak sakit-sakit juga. I won't be there to paksa you makan ubat, I won't be there to teman you pergi hospital and I won't be there to yell after you got back from hospital. My bad..

Jaga makan minum juga! Minuman bergas tu, tak pasti la dia boleh buat mandul atau tak, seperti yang I selalu takutkan you. Coke la, FnN la.. Tak elok, gulanya banyak sangat. Belajar minum air kosong ye. Jangan la malas pergi toilet je, taknak minum air. Cuaca panas kan?

Makan pun, jangan asyik bantai fast food je. Not good for your health. Yes, I know it's easier. But it got more fat, more cholesterol, more money.. Haaa.. Nak saving kan.. And please dearest, don't skip meals. You'll get sick. Yes yes, assignment is important, so does the girl/boy doing the assignment. If you fall sick, who's going to do your assignment?

Jaga-jaga juga berkawan, we don't need to be friend with everybody. Jangan bagi orang ambil kesempatan! Your money is your money! Your car is your car! In the end of the day, kalau orang tak suka, biar je. Dia tak bagi kita makan pun kan.

And and and. Get some sleep. With classes, assignments , quizzes, tests.. You can't afford living with no sleep. 
Juga! Bawa bekalan ubat sendiri ya! Senang nanti~

*update: tidur tu, jangan lupa pakai selimut.. Sejuk nanti.. Bagi yang tak tahan sejuk kat dada, selimut dada je. Yang sensitif kat kaki, kaki je. Tak la rimas sangat tidur. And and and, try don't sleep in the evening after Asar, tak baik. Yes, I do this, sometimes now. Tak selalu dah. Oh, and yes dearest, try to complete your prayers. Nasihat untuk I and you. We try to improve ourselves and doa may we'll be together again.

Akhir kata,
I'll take care of myself. I'll miss you lots and lots and lots! I love you always and forever!

Oh honey~ Don't cry. Nanti I'll cry juga~

Merdeka Raya

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin

Terima kasih kepada sekalian manusia yang menjemput saya ke rumah, menjamu makan, duit raya ataupun sahaja bersembang..

Puteri Nabila
Fakhri Azri
Nur Azzahra
Fazlin Aimi
*satu nama rahsia*
Muhammad Hasyir
Shafiq Shuhaimi
Nur Alfyra
Nor Aliaa

Terima kasih juga kepada yang sudi ke rumah..

Puteri Nabila
Alif Mokhtar (+ Amar, Ein, Epoy, Biha & seorang lagi)
Adri Arshad
Muhammad Hasyir
Amir Hisyam
Shafiq Shuhaimi (+ Adi & Syed)
Nur Alfyra (+adiknya)
Rasyaik Murad datang Ipoh jela.. Maaf tak jemput masuk rumah..

Ampun maaf dipinta kepada yang menjemput tetapi saya tak dapat penuhi jemputan itu..

LailaJue Termizi
Khairul Ikhwan

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Basic People

Blogger dah maju! Ni rasa bersemangat nak menulis ni!

Anyway, today I don't feel like doing anything...
Sebab badan tak berapa nak sihat walafiat..
But still, I'm going to write about..

The basics..

Saya orangnya simple sahaja, kalau dah jadi kawan saya, saya prefer mereka menganali these few peoples..

My bestest friend in the whole wide world.
Siapa lagi kalau bukan Cik Put Put?
Alasannya, senang nak keluar beramai-ramai, seronok juga..
Korang takkan menyesal kenal Cik Put ini..
Tak percaya, tanya kawan saya yang baru mengenali dia..
Cik Khai, Cik Fira, Incik Shafiq, Incik Malek dan kawan-kawan kerja lain lah..
Sumpah dia best!

My parents..
Mummy or/and daddy~
Ni kes kalau kau nak bawak anak sulung dia ni keluar..
Senang la kalau dah kenal mereka..
Tak lah mereka bising saya keluar tak tentu hala..
Dah kenal kan..
Kenal bermaksud, tau nama, pernah berjumpa depan mata, bersalaman dan sedikit perbualan..

Oke! Dah habis!
Sakit datang balik..
So, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Ampun silap salah!
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-54!
Lastly, Happy September people..

phewwww...  How time flies..
Mood : Wake me up when September ends~