Saturday, 31 December 2011

Selamat 2012

Allah beri kita hujan bila kita menangis meminta matahari, tapi rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.
Assamualaikum wbt kepada semua umat Islam. Apa khabar semua di penghujung 2011 ini? Adakah semua azam selesai?
Merujuk kepada ayat pertama diatas, sahaja nak berkongsi.
Aku pelajar UiTM Perlis, aku memang tak nak belajar disini, ada pengalaman pahit. Dua minggu di Arau, aku masih tidak dapat biasakan diri. Walaupun sudah 3 tahun di sini. Aku rasa keseorangan. Suatu hari, aku menangis. Menangis mengenang rakan-rakan lama. Aku harap aku bersama mereka disaat itu, atau mereka bersama aku disaat itu.
Allah beri kita hujan bila kita menangis meminta matahari...
Aku berusaha menyesuaikan diri dengan rakan kelas terutamanya, dengan rakan serumah juga. Akhirnya, aku mengenali mereka dengan lebih rapat, aku mulai kenal erti senyum, erti gembira, erti bersuka ria. Mulanya, agak malu, alah bisa, tegal biasa. (betul ke?). Aku mulai sayang mereka. Kami rapat macam satu keluarga. 

...rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi..

Terima kasih Allah.

Selamat 2012.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Awesome Classmates Part 3

Baru usai membaca nukilan P3-NebbyLax & ChahSaadah mengenai perihal rakan sekelas. Terdetik hati memperkenalkan rakan baru aku. Gittew~ Kah kah kah!

Hello there, the name is Aena. No, its not a real name. I prefer you spell it Aena or Ainaa. With double A. I kinda dislikes it if you spell it Aina. It's like you're not actually talking to me. So, if you rather spell Ainaa, Spell It Right (SIR) by News Strait Times. *Stop merepek*

Moving on, the classmates, consist of 29 awesome people.

  1. Aena
  2. Q
  3. Tirah
  4. Nasha
  5. Aei
  6. Bie
  7. Deeba
  8. Ekin
  9. Cik B
  10. Faris
  11. Yap
  12. Pak Din
  13. Naim
  14. Syed
  15. Azlan
  16. Sedan
  17. Anep
  18. Jimmy
  19. Anis
  20. Fuzah
  21. Ain
  22. Ayu
  23. Meny
  24. Erin
  25. Shikin
  26. Kak Pah
  27. Leya
  28. Ju
  29. Teha
A small class indeed.

My class is so-very-the-united-states-of-america. We've done several activities together.

First, Gunung Jerai! Only 8 managed to walked 12 kilometers from bottom to top! Including me! *applaused*

Next, makan-makan at Fader's. 

Official trip, the last trip for the first semester as Pioneer International Business. KL!

Kawan-kawan, saya sangat bersyukur dapat anda sekalian sebagai classmate saya untuk semester ini dan 2 semester akan datang. Alhamdulillah. Korang meme happening! heart u'ollz!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Aena and sukan?

Akhir-akhir ini, aku selalu juga turun padang kat sport com tu, main frisbee. (untunglah housemate budak sport rec) dia orang ajak main. Seminggu lebih juga lah belajar nak baling piring tu. Geram je cikgu-cikgu aku (read: Wani, Amar, Mun, Acap, Hana). Taknak nak banyak pulak cikgu kau kan?

Main frisbee ni, roughly macam netball, dah dapat disc tak boleh gerak and kena throw dalam masa 10 saat. Kalau nak psycho, orang yang jaga kita tu akan jerit depan muka kita kira 1 sampai 10.

Motif sebenar, nak cerita kenangan lama, waktu muda-muda diploma dulu. Time hari sukan DBS je, muka ni la yang melepet masuk netball. Tak terror pun, suka-suka. 1 sem, 1 kali main.

Ada satu sem ni, kakak senior, jalankan indoor netball. Memang sangat bersyukur sebab tak kena panas matahari. Court netball ni, ada la macam besar court badminton. Line dia je lain, rasanya lah. Kakak senior organizer, bijak pandai tamak, book la semua badminton court - fine. Yang tak fine nya bila, 1 game netball, guna 3 court badminton. Gila?! Bayang pancit tak pancit. 

Aku pulak, tak reti main bahagian main, main center je. Senang, tak boleh masuk zone D. So, zone D opponent, kat court badminton 1, kena defense team, sampai zone D home, court badminton 3. Marah betul memikirkannya. So, end up, team aku, settle for no 3. Sebab, semua sangat tak larat nak main. 

Monday, 12 December 2011


Suatu hari yang tidak kurang stressnya, Incik Daddy called. We talked and I felt relief.

Then I checked my phone, I got a missed call from a number I don't know, usually I just ignore it. But then something inside me said, 'Call the godamm number!' and I did. It was my Granny! we talked for a minute or two and I felt even relived.

Usually, on Saturday, I'll wake up late and start day with assignments and studies. Not this Saturday. Mrs Mummy going to be here! I'm pleased!

I miss my family and Ipoh.
Saya rindu keluarga saya dan Ipoh.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

No Life

Tarikh : 11 Disember 2011
Masa : 1 pagi
Lokasi : Bilik Aena di Arau

Dialog diantara Cik Aena Wani dan Cik Hani Wani.

HW: Aena, kamu buat kerja apa ni?
AW: Geografi.
HW: Dari haritu kamu buat kerja geografi. Macam takde life.

Amekaw! Memang ponn.. Huuuu..

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Tutorial Reference

Assalamualaikum, Salam sejahtera, Salam 1 Malaysia,

Oke, first thing first, I'm no computer geek but Ai rasa terpanggil nak buat pasal ni. Sebagai seorang student, lecturer asyik suruh kita masukkan reference. So, kita pun susah payah sengetkan tulisan, tebalkan tulisan dan sebagainya. 

Ada cara senang.. Macam mana??

Step 1:
Switch on your machine.

My desktop, yes, saya konon skema.

Step 2:
Buka Microsoft Office Word
Any edition you had.
Mine is 2007

Step 3:
Time to manage those sources..

Click reference. #1
in the box #2 ada many interesting stuff..

Click Insert Citation to produce something like this ..
I love Ainaa Hazwani (Puteri Nabila, 1997)

In style, lecturers usually use APA format. Do confirmed this.

Bibliography, to produce what you want to appear in your references.

All of the above must be started by clicking Manage Source.

Step 4:

Copy : Copy from Master List to Current List. Master list tu, untuk sources yang anda dah handlw sebelum ni. Current list, pilih from Master List, any source yang berguna untuk project currently you're working on.
Delete: Dikala anda terasa semak dengan Master List or Current List's sources.

Edit: Jika ada pernambahbaikkan dalam source anda yang telah disediakan.

New: Untuk source yang baru anda terima..

Step 5:

Untuk type of source, pilih lah, mana anda dapat source anda tu.
Books, website, Journal, Article in journal.
Pilih baik-baik, sebab, lain source, lain requirement dia..

Step 6:

Untuk nama authors, anda kena klik Edit dulu.

Dia akan keluar macam ni, so, add their first name, last name, middle name kalau tau. Then click add. Kalau ada 10, buat lah 10 kali macam ni. Dah settle, klik OK.

Step 7:

Then, bila dah settle isi semua ruangan yang berkaitan, klik Bibliography, select bibliography.

So, table ni akan keluar..

Tambah perkataan REFERENCE atas tu, dah macam buat kerja susah payah. Padahal mudah je..

Selamat mencuba rakan-rakan!

*update: Notice the word REFERENCE and BIBLIOGRAPHY? 

Bibliography - semua buku or any reading material yang digunakan untuk project anda.

Reference in the other hand, sources yang anda cited dalam kerja anda sahaja.

Anda kaji banyak buku untuk menyiapkan kerja anda, takkan sia-siakan begitu sahaja? So, tulis semua dalam BIBLIOGRAPHY. Tapi only 1 or 2 of them make it to REFERENCE. err, faham tak?

Monday, 5 December 2011

Support Needed

December 2011:

Sunday 4 - Preparation to raise Korea fund.
Monday 5 - Submit script Mandarin
Monday 5 - Presentation
Thursday 8 - Submit project Geography.
Friday 9 - Submit Outline Presentation.
Friday 9 - Test QMT
Friday 9 - Submit Quiz QMT
Friday 9 - Submit Case Study

Sunday 11 - BBQ at En Fader's!
Monday 12 - Test Listening, Speaking 1 & Speaking 2 Mandarin (postponed)
Monday 12 - Submit article & past year Geography

Wednesday 14 - Presentation BEL
Wednesday 14 - Test Personal Finance
Thursday 15 - Presentation Geography 
Friday 16 - Test 2 QMT

Sunday 18 - Trip International Business Finance
Monday 19 - On trip
Tuesday 20 - Back to Arau *update 21/12
Thursday 22 - Test 2 Geography
Friday 23 - Submit Mandarin video
Friday 23 -Speaking Test 2 Mandarin

So, the preparation for fund raising to Korea, the first step is done. We (read: Aena, Ekin, Q & Cik B) going to sell:
  • Monday : Kek Batik
  • Monnight : Sandwich
  • Tuesnight : Spagetti
  • Wednesday & Night : Special Malaysian Ice-Cream
  • Thursday & Night : Special Malaysian Ice-Cream 
Do support our team!

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Sleepless December

In the end of this entry, you're going to think/say:

'Daripada hang buat entri ni, baik hang pergi buat kerja,'

And I'll say:

'Aku tak boleh buat kerja bila otak dah jam. Demm!'

Let's begin..

December 2011:

Sunday 4 - Preparation to raise Korea fund.
Monday 5 - Presentation and Speaking Test Mandarin.
Wednesday 7 - Submit Outline Presentation.
Thursday 8 - Submit project, assignment and past year Geography.
Friday 9 - Test QMT
Wednesday 14 - Presentation BEL
Wednesday 14 - Test Personal Finance

Thursday 15 - Presentation Geography
Friday 16 - Test 2 QMT
Sunday 18 - Trip International Business Finance
Monday 19 - On trip
Tuesday 20 - Back to Arau
Thursday 22 - Test 2 Geography

It's going to be hell of a month!

Thursday, 1 December 2011


I like to apply chemicals to my skin. I'm so used to it till I'm almost unable to live without them.

I clean my face with facial cleanser, apply toner then moisturizer (day and night).
If I'm going out, I'll put a layer of compact powder, a shade of blusher to the cheek and lip balm to the lips of course.

Moving on, I'll also apply lotion to parts of my body (read: kakitangan).

Previously I used Vaseline Healthy White. This thing here, approved my Miss Jue and me, do have the whitening effect. Provided you don't go sunbathing. 

Currently they also have triple lightning action, with 24 SPF protection. I really need those since the weather here is either you're in Arau Saudi (too hot) or Arau-stralia (too cold).

Unfortunately, mine just finished. 

I went to Watson this evening with Miss Hani Wani, browsing through the shelf and I found the next best thing!

Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow!

You know the addictive scent of chocolate? It's all over me now! 

It is a 24-hour nourishing lotion for soft and glowing skin. 

The only bad side, is it have no SPF. *Boo ya.

Anyway, it smells oh-so-good! 

I swear I'm going to eat myself!
And Vaseline should give me commission.
Happy December humans!