'Hey! You know what? I'm going to Paris for semester break! Excited!!'
'Oh-my-Prada! Thank you Daddy!! I love my new Porsche!'
'Well, yea. I just got my Mac book last week.'
Erm.. Yeah. Sorry for the limited knowledge of luxury words. I don't live them. But sure I hope I'll have them. Truth is, I envy those individuals who gets stuff. Really envy them. I just can't afford any of 'em. No going to Paris for holidays, can't event plan right for Genting Highlands! No Porsche for birthday, can't even handle a Myvi. No Mac book if my current Compaq broke down.
Not complaining. Well, I sure seems like I am, actually not. I'm very thankful of what I have. I have to stay home for holidays, with family and hometown friends not forgetting dear bF. I have a car when others have to goes on and off public transports. I have a laptop when others have to borrow their friends' when they need them. Above all, I'm thankful I have a dream.
A dream to something better. A dream that motivates me. A dream that will give a great feeling when it came true.
A history teacher of mine once said, 'It's better not to be rich, because when you rich, you can't dream. You'll get what you want. There's no fun in that.'
She's right, indeed.
Now, off to bed people. Go get a dream. A dream to live for.
Good night.