I am studying in Perlis and currently in my hometown, Ipoh. While in Arau, I believe there is someone like me and my family. I seldom call them just to say hi, ask how they are doing or just because I feel like doing so. Sometimes, I knew about my brother choking incident, my mother not feeling well, through Facebook. NO. Don't blame Mark Zuckerberg. We always been this way.
When I'm back in Ipoh, for almost 2 weeks now, I just learnt that my aunt have cancer and currently at stage 4. I'm no doctor and I have frickin' idea about cancer stages. But, from movies, film and Mr Wikipedia. Stage 4 is the last stage of cancer. And I wonder, what happen after stage 4? What could be happening till it requires my family from Kelantan to come to Perak?
I searched for 'Stages for cancer' and this is what I get:
As a no doctor Miss Nena, what happen after stage 4? I'm not a child and I knew better than 'people lives forever' but for me, it's really hard to accept the fact. I wonder how my cousins handle this. To know they are going to lose their mother. and yet, I have this thinking, this question. But I don't know how to ask my mommy or daddy.
The question that have 'death' word.
But then, I could just think positively, spread the positive attitude. It's depressing enough to have cancer. I Shouldn't make it worst. So, I'm thinking a question like:
'Is Mak Ngah going to be ok?'
Well, hey, who am I lying? I hope she's going to be just fine. Maybe, celebrate Raya with love ones. Not just this Raya, many many after.
I visited her just now. She not ok. She's great! Well I guess, people do live forever? I wish you well. (^_^)
I visited her just now. She not ok. She's great! Well I guess, people do live forever? I wish you well. (^_^)