Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Duka vs Suka

Salam. Ayuh kita mulakan blog post dengan memanjangkan doa kepada mangsa banjir di Pantai Timur & setengah kawasan di Perak. Moga mereka selamat dan tabah menghadapi dugaan.

Puii! Hang cakap pandai Aena. Hang tengah duduk sejuk jugak macam deme, tapi hang sejuk air-cond, kerusi empuk, ada shawl cover badan. KAPDAI (cakap pandai).


FB Post dari seorang sahabat. Hmm.
Macam mana nak cakap ye? Emm.. Bila dapat tahu yang banjir melanda Pantai Timur, jujur cakap, sedikit pun saya tak terjejas. Yelah, tak rasa kan. Tapi, sebagai salah seorang ahli group WhatsApp, sedikit sebanyak saya terasa jejasnya. Kenapa? Sebab, group tu, group FAMILY. Family saya, keluarga belah ayah yang berasal dan menetap di Kelantan. Kemudian, sedar diri, ramai kawan-kawan yang dari Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang. Sedikit sebanyak, saya berasa risau.

Risaukan keadaan mereka.

Tetapi, kehidupan masih perlu di teruskan.

Berdasarkan FB post diatas. Hmm. 

Pada 27 Disember 2014, suatu majlis keramaian berlaku di rumah saya. Keadaan sungguh meriah, majlis berjalan lancar, majlis sangat sempurna. Saya telah bertunang pada hari tersebut.

Jadi, salahkan saya? Berdosakah saya?

Pada pandangan saya, tolong lah mana perlu, mana patut, mana boleh. Kalau saya duduk atas tikar sejadah sehari semalam bermalam-malam, berdoa untuk Tuhan selamatkan mereka, tak kenyang pun mereka disana. Biarlah saya sedekahkan 2tan barangan keperluan, mereka mungkin tidak dapat bantuan itu serta merta.

Ketahuilah doa saya sentiasa untuk mereka tetapi saya juga ada kehidupan yang perlu di sempurnakan.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Summary of 2014

When December approched, most of us revisit our 20xx resolution. For me, I had 4 resolutions, I did not accomplished any. *sigh* Fortunately, my 2014 does not revolves around resolutions only. I did some good. I've created my memories to last forever in 2014.

Alhamdulillah, I live to the day I can write a summary of my 2014. Here goes.

January - June
Nothing much. I was enjoying my 'holiday' - yes I was unemployed. I thought I am fine, turns out I am stressed and depressed. I appear very calm, very me, very ok. Seriously, I was fooled by myself too. How'd I found out?

I wanted to grow a long hair and then, I found out that I have severe case of hair loss. Like REALLY severe. I got really scared, I thought I was sick or something. I cut my hair shorter T_T but nothing improves. Until...

2 June 2014
I was hired by Ekuinas and been placed in Alliance Cosmetics Group. I am a trainee, brand executive trainee in charge for the marketing of Silkygirl Cosmetics. Yes. That Silkygirl - with Emma Maembong & Heliza Helmi. I was very excited! Guess what? My hair loss problem getting better. Then, I knew I was stressed and depressed. Being unemployed did that to me.

Somewhere in August
My boyfriend of 4 years pops the question. It's not like it's the first time he did it, but it is the first time I am confident to say yes. I said yes everytime, this time, I am actually prepared.

Somewhere in December
I'm getting engaged. I will be engaged. It's a terrifying experience and I'm excited at the same time. :)

I like my second half of 2014 better. How about you?

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Kongsi Microwave Oven dengan makanan Non-Halal?


Company sekarang, hampir semua Non-Muslim, tapi, bestnya, mereka sediakan fridge, microwave for us to use.

So, logik lah jika satu hari, saya datang bawa susu simpan dalam fridge, then pagi-pagi makan dengan cereal. Yumm.
So, logik lah jika satu hari, saya datang bawa meggi, then letak air panas and masak guna microwave oven. Yumm.


Di rumah saya, kami tidak memiliki microwave oven, so, logik juga jika saya tak tahu macam mana nak guna.

One day, saya tanya kawan,
"Macam mana nak guna microwave oven tu ye?"
"Eh! Kita mana boleh guna! Tah-tah mereka masak Non-Halal food ke?"

And I was like, "say whaaattt?"

Soalannya, bolehkah kita kongsi microwave oven dengan non-Muslim yang reheat their non-halal food?

1) Dari seorang sahabat (juga merujuk ustaz). Boleh. Islam itu mudah. Tak kena makanan kita pun. Logik juga.
2) Dari seorang sahabat (juga merujuk ustaz). Jika ada bau, warna dan rasa, haram. Tak boleh.
3) Jika dah ragu-ragu, jatuh haram. Tak boleh.

So, disini, saya hanya ingin berkongsi dan saya yakin boleh.

Jadi, kalau ragu-ragu, elakkan lah.



Thursday, 23 October 2014


Well well, orang lain dah pergi, dengan ini, hamba nak declare, hamba pun dah pergi Broga lah.

Bila cakap pasal Broga ni, tak urban la kalau duduk KL tapi tak pergi kan? Gittew. So, aim nak pergi dalam tahun pertama kat KL ni, tapi, tak kesampaian. Alhamdulillah, merasa juga la pergi pada tahun pertama di Shah Alam.

Kami ber-4, patut ber-5, last minute Izmer cancel. Ayat dia, "Sorry, tak dapat ikut, kawan nikah pukul 10am, takut tak sempat. Korang continue lah ye?' Imma like, "Ok. No probs. Next time maybe." and he was like, "Korang continue ke?" and I was like, "Kau ingat kau penting sangat nak kteorg cancel sebab kau?"

Ok tak, yang last tu tipu. But we did continue, so, there was 4 of us, the Arau-ians, the Kyotocol. Ayu, Sedan, Kikin & I.

Kami sampai kaki bukit dalam 6.15am, marah juga la Cik Ayu sebab takut tak sempat kejar sunrise. Oh, parking inside the area, was charged RM2. Ok la, kau park kat luar, nanti kaki dah lembik, penat jalan woi. Boleh pulak, stokin aku buat hal, HILANG! Dengan kelam kabut kejar sunrise, stokin hilang, gelap, aku tak perasan langsung ada kedai jual stokin kat situ! Note: readers, ada kedai jual stokin,  torchlight, hiking stick in case you need any lah. Aku hiking without socks lah.

Hiking up it was ok, tak la beban dan menyakitkan kaki sangat. Coming down, pergh! Terasa melecet si kecil saya. :'(

We reached the top about 7.00am. Tak dapat lah sunrise macam dalam gambar. But the sun is there and the view is mesmerizing. Alhamdulillah, syukur nikmat, kepada Tuhan yang memberi rahmat. Since it was Deepavali, the crowd is huge! Ramai gila beb! Tak la sunyi sangat since semua pun buat hal masing-masing.

Tangkap gambar berjuta la mesti, tapi, since camera Ayu, belum dapat lagi gambar itu. Next week mungkin, sobs sobs.

Rating (compare to Bukit Tabur):
Toughness : 2/5 (memang hiking, but my first tough hike was Bukit Tabur, so, this is mehh)
View : 3/5 (nothing much, weather was not very good, sub-urban pula. So, OK la. )
Cramps : 2/5 

Now, I don't know what's wrong, I think I'm going to have fever. Huu. Budak manja di suruh panjat bukit. Cenggitu lah jadi nya. Oh, I think since we chillax naik & turun, my legs do not cramp much. Sikit lah.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Snow White, Lip Balm

I always prefer lipbalm over lipstick, lipcolor, lipgloss, lip-whatever.
I got my nick name, ehem, Snow White, because I have "lips as red as blood, hair as dark as the window frame and skin as white as snow"..

Gittew.. Belagak betul..

Ok seriously. I'm quite fair, thanks to mummy's genes. 

I always wear Lip Ice Sheer Color. I'm loving the Strawberry & Fragrance Free. Not a big fan of shimmer though. I was told that the color differ from one lips to another - it follows the users' blood color. ISN'T THIS AMAZING?!

Maybe that's why they call me Snow White. Fair skin with red lips, ok pink, strong pink.

For lipbalm lovers out they, maybe you can try the Silky Lips Multi-Vitamin Lip Balm for a change? 
It comes with SPF15, Vitamin A, B, C & E with 8-hour moisture. Banyaknya vitamin dia~

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Fresh Graduates - RM2,500 salary. Enough what.


Let the war begin.

Today's morning topic in Red.FM is based on this newspaper article from someone with RM10k monthly salary. 

"RM2,500 should be enough for fresh graduates"

Should be enough..
Should be enough..
Should be enough..

Well guess what economist. It is enough. Provided that, you only spend RM300 for yourself. This includes movies, entertainment, vacation, karaoke, clothes, car accessories. It is abundance if you must ask. 

I guess, this fresh grads are just robots to you aye? All they need to do is work, gain experience to climb up the corporate ladder. They have no right to life. How can they live? They have to survive with RM2,500.

A fresh grad from Kedah, gaining experience, in KL. Her monthly basic expenses (roughly). After SOCSO & EPF = RM2,200.

RM400 - rent (single room with attached bathroom)
RM500 - savings (marriage, holiday, future)
RM300 - bills (electricity, water, phone)
RM600 - food (day & night - no hangout or Starbucks or fancy restaurant - RM10 per meal)
RM400 - Parents

You do the maths.

Of course it should be enough.

Oh, sometimes, your boss ask you to buy stuff using your money first. Of course can claim, but not this month la.


*Update: Ok la, who are we lying? I was furious at time I wrote this. But seriously, is RM2,500 enough?

Actually. It is enough. 

Why not enough one? With Rm2,500. You can live what? Not like you'll die. Some more, you so demanding aa, you got job meh? People want to hire you meh? Che sin ya lei! You can survive. Ok maa.. Eat expensive food, later become stool only. Jimat la..

Will you ever be enough of jimatlah. Jaga kewangan. Bajet. Jangan high maintenance. Sampai bila? Sampai bila aku nak jimat? Why should I suffer when I know I can live well?

Thing is, I know I'm worth more that RM2,500. Then, I will strive to get more than RM2,500. Well, that's me. Yes, it's a starting salary. Nope, it's not forever. 

I suppressed for so many things I can't afford. Sometimes I don't want to hold it. I want to let it go. I want to have what I dream to have. Yes, I live in really not an effing fantasy. If you don't aim, will you go anywhere?

Friday, 3 October 2014

Google Street View

I am literally shaking because I'm furious of your arrogance.

From my POV about Google Street View.

I'm not sure if you had received the Whatsapp message saying that "delete your house from Google Street View. The bad people gonna know your house, your car, when you're out, weather your gate is close or not.. bla bla bla.” “Bro, hati-hati, sekarang ada teknologi tengok rumah kita sampai dalam bilik air bro. Lu kencing, lu berak boleh nampak bro. Click www.instantstreetview.com.”

Do you actually go to that website before you send that text?

I "went" to New York with this apps. 9Gaggers seen prisoners escaped, someone dragging a dead body, people having public sex via this apps and YOU, looking for your home you missed. This is new thing, why always look at the bad side one? Be positive lah.

Google Street View is not a CCTV. The picture taken looks like CCTV image but it's a picture. It’s a one-time thing. If your house gate is close, then it's close. Google hid the plate number of your car to protect your privacy. Even Google protecting your privacy, why so eager to reveal it?

This thing here, this what's taking pictures of your houses. It is impossible for this thing to go to your bathroom/toilet stealth mode.
If you’re scared, do not share your house image. Do not disclose your address.

Keep your private information, private.

Aww, this is my house. No11, Jalan Bapak Aku 1, Taman Omak Aku, 24680 Daerah, Negeri Aku. Why so lovely? Gate close, mummy and daddy must have gone out when this was taken. I think it must be 3pm on Sunday. Hidup Muar!


And here we are screaming for changes when we cannot adapt changes made.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Work It

Hi. It's been a while.

*check last post pasal pa dia tah. Oh. Handwriting and Padang Polo.

Ok. Moving on. Gosh! I have sooooo many to tell! I'm some kind of excited! Tak de kerja katanya, ehem. Let's start with that.

Alhamdulillah, after 6 months being unemployed, I was hired by Ekuinas under Ekuinas Portfolio Company Graduate Trainee Program. Kira macam management trainee gitu. I was placed at one of Ekuinas's Portfolio Company which I prefer not to mention here. I am attached in a Marketing department as Brand Executive Trainee.

Life is GOOD! Great I must say! I always know that I like Marketing, little did I know, I love Marketing!

Lain tempat, lain Marketing dia, so, berdasarkan tempat I ni, the Marketing Department is awesome! Job scope is wide! Planning, production, development, bla bla bla *alien words for those not in the industry - and I shall stop*

Office dia, sejuk ya amat!

Here goes comparison part.


I'm not trying to be racist here, but readers, go on, what pops on your mind when I say "I work in a Chinese company"?

*giving you some time to think about your horrible thought*

Fret not, I do have the same thought. We are stereotype. We can't run from that.

One of the most common stereotype for the Chinese is, they do not wash after they pee/poo.

Well hello Meleis, kalau Cina kau kata tak basuh saje, mat salleh, mat korea sana, kau puja-puja, ingat deme guna air ke? Idak nyer, sapu juga guna tisu.


I've worked in a Malay company before, man we give the cleaning lady a hard time. She have to constantly dry our toilet. 

Here, the toilet is very clean, very dry! You can wear long skirts without worry. Won't basah one.


One more stereotype, "Chinese aa, they work very hard, very workaholic. You must been bullied. They perah you habis-habisan punya."

Aiya, you sure o not?

Actually, they are very disipline. Working hour starts at 8.30am, ends at 5.30pm. SHARP. I mean, SHARP, PRECISE, TEPAT.

8.30am you come, work-work-work.
12.30pm, go makan. Empty office.
5.30pm, go back. Empty office.

They work during working hour and don't go slacking around. Well, ok tipu. We do. So, they do not have to work pass working hour. Nice weh.


So, that's that. Bukan takde masalah, of course ada masalah. But, why focus on stress when you live is full of loveliness??

Till next time.

Much love..

My world is full of loveliness, but I focus on the stress, my heart says go, my brain says no!
Lenka - Heart Skips A Beat

Friday, 11 April 2014

What my handwriting says about me.

Agak susah kalau Wa suruh bayangkan tulisan Wa. Tulisan Wa buruk giler beb, boleh tanya bestfriend, Cik Put. Anyway, since this blog is about me, me and me. Wa bagi lah interpretation tulisan Wa. Lu nak tau, lu check sendiri. Nasihat Wa, lu tulis something dulu, like, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'. But that's too short, try amek notes korang sebelum ni lah. Kalau lu baca then baru tulis, confirm tulisan lu jadi cantik umpama Times New Roman size 12 spacing 1.5. Bahaha!! Have fun!


[size] average
I am well-adjusted and adaptable

[spacing between words] wide spacing
I enjoy my freedom and don't like to be overwhelmed or crowded

[slanting] no slant
I don't let my emotions get the best of me. I tend to be logical and practical

[shape of letters] connected letters
I am logical, systematic and make decisions carefully

[looping] narrow "l" loops and narrow "e" loops
I may be restricting myself, which could lead to feeling of tension.
I tend to be sceptical of others; I tend not to be swayed by the emotions of others

[dotting your i's] slashing your i's
Overly self-critical, don't have a lot of patience for inadequacy or people that don't learn from their mistakes.

[crossing your t's] right in the middle & short crosses
I am confident and feel comfortable in my own skin
I tend to be lazy and show lack of determination

[open & closed o's] closed
I am very private, limited to sharing my personal feelings, introvert

[lowercase cursive "s"] round lowercase cursive "s"
I am a people pleaser & tend to avoid confrontation

[page margins] write all over the page
I can't sit still or relax. My mind is constantly running.

[pressure] heavy
I am good with commitment & taking things seriously. If the pressure is excessively heavy, I tent to be uptight and can react quickly to criticism.

[speed] quickly
I am impatient, dislikes delays or time wasters

[signature] not legible
I am very private, hard to read or understand


So, that was interpretation of my handwriting. Try yours! It is super fun. Boleh guna untuk interview to 'describe yourself' or dalam personal statement.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Stop it. Please.

Hi Sedan, Hi Nebby gak.
Eherm. Ok serius.
I should change my address.

So, I should be in Shah Alam. Merasa suasana hidup ikut fakulti instead of campur dengan semua orang like it is a bad thing.
I should be in Melaka, merasa lecturer support our cause habis-habisan. Merasa lecturer bagi kerjasama dan menyenangkan kerja untuk KAMI ke oversea.
I should be in Segamat, merasa jadi senior Hanis Zalikha, padahal dia pun dah habis diploma time tu.
I should be in Puncak Alam, merasa bontot jadi cantik sebab setiap hari naik tangga 'Batu Caves'.
I should be in Sarawak, merasa bulatan besar sangat dan laksa Sarawak yang sedap tu dan tak reti nak balik rumah.

You know what? I'm not. And I am stuck at Arau, Perlis. Yes. 3 tahun diploma + 2 tahun degree. 5 tahun total.

Please stop mentioning what I loss during those years. It hurts.

Gladly, I found my remedy and I dear them all. Very. I love you Kyotocol. Thank you for being there. Mwah.

Gamba paling senonoh aku dapat cari yang ada kenkorang semua
Dipetik dari FB Deeba. No 28 tu.
Batch kitorang ada:

1. Jamirul Syafiq - ketua yang suka menonoks, suka menjerit
2. Izayu Ibrahim - ganas tapi ada dimple yg manis selalu gaduh dgn Jimmy (No1.)
3. Fatihah Zaimi - photographer kelas yg suka awkward bila gambar dia kena ambik
4. Syed Faisal - suka gila dgn jet/kapal terbang/helikopter even hafal setiap jenis
5. Lea Zila - byk gambar rare dkt dia pasal dia suka snap setiap masa dahla suka lukis comelcomel
Zarifah Bt Zahir Affandi - kakak garang yg suka cubit yg suka tegur adikadik dia supaya behave tp baik sebenarnya
7. Amirruddin Omar - si kaki gym
8. Twins Khumaini - pandai mengurut, sentiasa ada kerja nak dibuatnya tapi selalu sakit, cepat sihat meny
9. E-kin KnightLey - budak IB tapi dah jadi budak sportrec pasal selalu main frisbee dengan diorang 

10. Naim Kamal - sweetheart *kononnya* budak kelas, baik tapi jahat, dahla power futsal !
11. Siti Nor Asikin Khamis - style datindatin, sporting je, suka gelak nyaring & sentiasa nak majukan diri, dia urut best !
12. Keen Zainuddin - pandai pilih baju bundle power, lawak dahla kreatif gilos suka posing pulak tu
13. Anip Matt - 'sape tuuu' boleh cakap siam banyak general info yg dia tahu
14. Ainaa Hazwani - snow white yg paling semua orang selesa sebab dia coooool
15. cik bi - bekas mpp uitm dan suka pergi hep
16. Ashraf Samsudin - lawak nak mampos tapi penakut ular/ulat kecik/tinggi etc etc
17. Rubi Alias - diam je tapi kerja selalu cepat siap lepastu rileks je style dia
18. Erin Amani - neelofa jadian katanya potong rambut lepastu menyesal terpaling slumber
19. Nadzrul Nordin - safee sali utk ragbi suka KPOP *hahahhaahaha* layan RM jugak
20. 'Aeisyah Ahmad Khairul - ommunie yg kaki travelling english terer!
21. Mahfuzah Zulkifli - menantu aei yg berpakej lengkap dah duduk obesea pun
22. Mohammad Faris - kaki minum tea o/air suam kaki bebel suka bangkang tp lastlast buat jgk kadangkadang gentleman ok
23. Siti Quraisyiah - beauty with brain yg pelat sikit tapi pelat yg comel la
24. Juhaida Amran - tegas pendirian, macam garang je sebenarnya sporting
25. Sedan - pun suka menonoks sikit gaya cakap matang macam umur 33, tapi perangai budakbudak jugak
26. Nurul Ain Othman - otak peniaga ape je nak dijualnya suka peluk orang
27. Athirah Azizah - baguih buat powerpoint, photoshop, video eh pasal computer dia terer lah edit edit
28. Deeba Firdaus - errrr sesentap tapi suka outdoor tapi malas jogging tapi nak kurus

Damn aku rindu korang. :'(
*I tot kelas kita ada 29 orang? Hewhewhew

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Aktiviti petang di Ipoh - Padang Polo

So, bila zaman mumaiyiz dulu, I ada post something about girls and weight and SM.. Just refer to the link below (kalau rajin):

Sekarang, bila dah dewasa sikit ni, I somewhat still think the same.
Must. Put. Health. First.
Ahh, but then, I'm an adult and sooner or later, I have a big presentation to get done with (marriage). People come to see me on that day and Imma make them girls jealous.. Bahahah! Gila tak sihat impian ini. Yela, bF tu, dia boleh cakap, 

"Saya nak pergi gym tahun ni (2014), kalau awak kahwin dengan saya, awak bergemuk, them girls gonna be like, 'Ewwww, suami handsome, isteri dia, ewwwww'. Padan muka awak. Ewww"

Sakit nye hati. Itu mesti kawan dia tu, kawan I baik-baik. 

So, antara azam 2014 saya ialah menurunkan berat badan kepada 49-52kg. Just so you know, kalau I 60kg pun, BMI I still within the normal range. Ayat menyakitkan hati bF.

Sebenarnya, ni baru motif entri ini. Nak brag I went to Padang Polo (orang Ipoh panggey) to jog. Merely because I was stressed, even though I strongly denied am not. Ok dah termengaku pula. Stress kenapa? Do ask me directly.

Cuaca Malaysia ni paneh habaq hang, so, I gerak dari rumah pun 6.30pm. Masih panas. I lari berganti - dengan jalan almost 30 minutes and ambil gambar yang low quality ini. Balik dalam 7.15pm, tiba-tiba dah gelap giler.

I will always embrace the feeling when I was at Padang Polo. Banyak orang, nak cakap mostly buat apa pun tak boleh. Ada yang jogging, ada yang walking, ada yang dating juga.

Kids boleh main kat tempat mainan for kids tu, while para mummy boleh lepak tepi dengan mummy lain - gossips.
Daddy boleh buat cardio exercise lari keliling padang or strength exercise sikit dengan kemudahan padang.
Atuk nenek boleh hirup udara segar sambil main bot mainan yang patut bagi kat cucu, tapi cucu taknak balik kampung - meh atuk main.
Abang abang boleh join main bola kat padang yang biasanya ada at least 2 team or futsal. Kalau kaki bangku boleh main roller blade.
Akak boleh pergi reflexology batu batu tu.
Datang weekends morning, boleh join aerobic! Or tai-chi. Anything your heart desire.
Or, nak datang melepak makan je pun boleh. Tengok orang kuruskan diri while hang besaq kan buntut.

It's a place for everybody! And it's damn refreshing than bau peluh kepam kat gym.

Cucu taknak balik amik bot atuk beli eh. Meh atuk main ngorat opah hang all over again. 

Laluan jogging yang sangat selesa. Aum
Daddy nak ajar nak main bola pun ade sini. Bagi mummy rehat ye anak.

Tempat reflexology. Kalau jalan sakit, ade le sakit kome tu. 

Boleh main roller blade. I think ade orang buat sewa. Tak mengkaji lebih lanjut lah.

Maaf gambar buruk. I is malas berhenti. Oh, ade toilet. Bawak la at least RM1 time jogging tu.

See.. Ada pagoda.. Bagi mereka yang dah panchit. Or, malas. Or, dating. Malam-malam tempat romen, kot. Haha!!

Nampak tak kotoran kat langit tu? Tu layang-layang!! Ade juga aktiviti ini disini!

Kat em, binaan ini, weekends, ade taichi.. Seronok tengok auntie-auntie uncle-uncle bertaichi. Nak join, tapi, I'm more aerobic kinda girl.

Ini benda paling hamba jeles. Dah besar baru dibina!! Geram!!

Layang-layang yang dijual. Ke sewa? Tah

Ini biadap. Tengah jog, terbau laksa yang amat menyelerakan. Pergh! Biadap sungguh.
"Hang kat mana?"
"Hang jogging ke? Gemok je aku tengok. Hahaha!!"
"Diam ar! Aku g Polo makan laksa. Sedap weh!"

Ini tempat mainan lagi satu set. Tak cantik, tapi lagi tua dari yang cantik tadi. Sebab dia jauh and tak cantik kot. 

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sembang Kahwin

Assalamualaikum Hello.

Tak jawab dosa, jawab sayang.
Well hello, you can love me as a human aye. Tak payah asyik nak bercinta je keje.

Anyway, topik ni sangat expected (bagi orang yang dah dipressure) dan I'm not getting married, anytime soon (ayat jawab soalan interview).
More to, macam FAQ Aena dah kahwin. *yawn*

10 Januari 2014 - Birthday I yang ke 24.
Q: Happy birthday. Bila nak kahwin?
A: Thank you. I'm 24 years old, not effing 34. And even if I do, why bother?

Any other day
I went to Rosmaizati's wedding this evening. Tahniah Rosma dan suami - Ikmal, bukan Najib
I went with Nana (N), sembang makan, I tanya Nana:
A: Nana, pressure tak bila kawan-kawan dah kahwin ni?
N: Pressure gak. *mengunyah* Kita taknak tanya kamu, nanti kamu marah.
A: Tau takot!! Hahahaha

N: Abang Alip ade ajak kamu kahwin?
A: Ade. By this end of this year (2014) or early next year (2015)
N: Terima je la Aena
A: Memang la terima. Thing is, I'm not ready yet. But then, marriage is not for me. It's for my partner.

N: Kamu tau, Sarabanon dah kahwin? Kita cerita kan. Dia kahwin, ada anak tiri seorang. Laki tu, laki orang. Cerai dengan wife dia nak kahwin dengan Sarabanon. Kalau lah kamu bercinta dengan laki orang, ade anak seorang, kamu rasa dia jodoh kamu. Kamu kahwin tak dengan dia?
A: Tak. I couldn't brain the feeling of the wife. No woman should feel that way. Kesian kat wife dia.
N: Haa.. Tu la.. Biarlah andartu pun, jangan la bagi wife dia rasa camtu. Kesian

N: Aena, is he the one for me?
A: I don't know.
N: Is he the one for you?
A: I don't know.
*N sini is Nebby.

Ok lah. Tak dapat fikir FAQ lain. Ini aje lah. Thanks for reading. Read the link! Seriously!