Thursday, 19 February 2015

CNY 2015

Alhamdulillah, Chinese New Year tahun ini diberkati.

 Jeng jeng jeng. 

Diberkati guane? 

Well, diberkati dengan kasih sayang seisi keluarga. Bila mana semua adik- beradik pulang ke Ipoh.

Aena dari Shah Alam.
Baeh dari Melaka.
Anis dari Tapah
Awe dari Perlis.
Jauh anak mak-ayah semua, semua balik CNY ni.

Aku tak tahu family lain bonding time macam mana; but ours, melalui kuaci.

Cerita dia, ade kuaci tersepah. Haruslah aku menjerit suruh kemas kan. Then sorang-sorang datang. "Kemas" dengan memakan kuaci yang sepah dan tidak.


Masa tu jugak la segala topik mak nenek keluar dan bincang. Tidak lupa juga topik mengutuk sesama sendiri dan belagak dengan kelebihan masing masing. Apa ada hal. We brothers and sisters maa.

So, wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year. May your year filled with joy and blessings.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Xinnian Kuaile.

Ni kuaci sengaja disepahkan sebab nak makan

Monday, 16 February 2015

Battle of Two Sisters

Aku yang melahirkan dia. Aku yang berusaha untuk dia. Aku ibu dia.

Selepas dia dilahirkan, aku terpaksa serahkan dia kepada mereka yang lebih bertanggungjawab keatasnya.

Aku, hanya melihat kejayaan dia. Aku, hanya memerhati dia dari jauh. Aku, hanya mendengar khabar mengenainya. Bila dia jatuh, aku hanya mampu menjadi pendengar setia. Aku tidak mampu membela dia.

Aku tahu, jangka hayatnya tidak lama. Aku tahu, dia tidak boleh pergi jauh, sejauh kakaknya. Aku tahu, dia di lahirkan untuk menggantikan tempat kosong yang ditinggalkan.

Jika jangka hayatnya lama, aku berharap dia bertahan. Aku berharap dia berjaya.

Mummy loves you babies. 
Mummy loves your sisters too, especially Rose.
Mummy wishes you well.
My babies - Color Junkie Lip Polish

Go Matte Lipcolor
My favourite girl, your sister - Go Matte Lipcolor 04 Mystic Rose

Sunday, 8 February 2015


In school, I have a friend named Amanda. Amanda Ong.
She's Chinese, she's tall, she's VERY perky.
Her name came after mine in the class name list. Ainaa, Amanda.

Since she's very perky especially with her gang, Madam Lam (our class teacher) finds it very hard to 'control' her, so, she place Amanda to sit beside me. I was supposed to be 'quiet' and able to 'tame' Amanda. Well I failed.

When Madam Lam sits Amanda besides me, the other girls was going,
"Ainaa, nanti jangan awak yang bising duduk dengan Amanda"
"Ainaa, habislah, awak duduk sebelah Amanda, nanti awak jadi nakal juga"
"Ainaa, nanti Amanda nak sembang dengan awak, nanti awak kena marah dengan cikgu sekali"
You know, that 'foreseen' situation that most probably will happen when you were sat with Amanda.

But, we're teenage girls, we work around the rules. Madam Lam says that Amanda supposed to sit beside be. Well, Madam Lam is our English teacher too, and English is only thrice or twice a week. Madam Lam come in the class only in the morning and during English. So, Amanda go wild and sit everywhere, so do I.

Then, in Kemahiran Hidup class. I was again partnered with Amanda. We were going to cook Ayam Masak Lemak. A very intelligent and thoughtful Amanda says, "Ainaa, awak bawa ayam ye. Kalau saya bawa, saya takut tak halal". And since this is mainly a Malay dish, I kinda remember I did most of the cooking but Amanda, she did most of the cleaning. And persuading others to give us some turmeric, we forgot to bring some.

That's Amanda. Why so random? Just cause.

I got a friend, his daughter named Amanda. Then I remembered my Amanda.

Hello Amanda!

Friday, 6 February 2015

Expert Advice

Last time, when I'm stressed, I will go shopping. Since money become very important, very valuable to me. Whenever I'm stressed out and I don't feel like talking about it, I've been searching for ways to mend the broken heart.


So, yesterday. I found a way. Sort of.

During lunch, I just get on the car and merayau. Since I only got 1-hour break, I just drove nearby. Getting familiar with the road. Fortunately I'm in a place where traffic jam is not a problem. Hardly get traffic here.

That's a way.

You should try it too.

Be alone. Be with yourself. Talk to yourself. Cry your heart out (if you wanted to). But don't cry too much, pull over if you feel like so. Tears will blur your vision and I don't want to be the reason you got accident.

Drive safe.