mood: skema
Alhamdulillah, sekarang saya sudah mulai Semester 4 sebagai pelajar International Business di bumi Arau ni.
Semester lepas, saya dan rakan-rakan sekelas, yakni majoriti dari pelajar Diploma in Business Studies, mengambil 6 subjects. Bagi pelajar Banking pula, mereka harus mengambil 7 subjects termasuk Introduction to International Business. Ada rakan lain yang juga telah mengambil subject Operation Management in advance.
Too much business studies term? Lemme get this straight.
Tadi, saudari Ain dan saudari Mahfuzah telah menggemparkan kelas dan mengatakan kami sebenarna KENA mengambil satu subject sem lepas. Subject Intro to IB yang kami sekelas yakin dapat pengecualian kredit.
Limit jam kredit 24 jam. We reached the limit here in Part 4 and Part 5 too. 24 jam kredit. Nak taknak, kami TERPAKSA memilih 3 pilihan.
- Semua ambil Intro IB intersesi di UiTM Arau
- Semua drop satu subject Part 4, ambil Intro IB PArt 4, dan berpecah ambil subject yang drop di tempat yang diingini.
- Don't drop any paper, don't go for intersesi, let's be a robot dan study 28 jam kredit sem depan.
Yes. Kami sangat pening dan banyak perbalahan berlaku.
I've made my choice. robot
Petang ni, Puan Rozihana akan turun padang dan brief kami.
- Kesian budak yang akan ambil intersesi OM.
- Kesian budak yang terpaksa ambil intersesi sebab rakan sekelas.
- Kesian budak yang dah dekan, bila ambil intersesi, peluang ANC segera hapus.
So, we met Puan Rozihana. And as a HR lecturer, she handle us professionally! We really loves what she did. And and, she is super cool! When she called and scold 'that' person, in front of us! Cool!
So, both parties negotiate. And results of negotiation are as follows:
- Semua ambil Intro IB di UiTM Perlis for free.
- Semua ambil Intro IB di UiTM Perlis for half price.
- Puan Rozihana akan hantar wakil from our party to talk and persuade them to do so or to convinced us that she did try her best.
- Be that robot, take 28 credit hours next semester, but, we get to choose our own lecturer with advice from Puan Rozihana.
It came out pretty satisfying. The result? I'll keep you updated. *wink*
*update lagi*
We got pengecualian kredit. Alhamdulillah.
*update lagi*
We got pengecualian kredit. Alhamdulillah.
ok i pnng baca..
aikkk???ade gak name cik ain kt post nie ye...makasih yaaaa cik bunga putih yg mmg putih...ngeeeeeeeeeee
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