Wednesday 28 March 2012

You and I

Let say,

You are showing symptoms of diabetes.

  1. Frequent needs of fluid
  2. Frequent visits to toilet to urinate
  3. Fatigue / exhausted
  4. Weight loss without even trying
  5. Your feet became swollen like a pregnant lady
  6. You have an immediate family member who happens to have diabetes
You freaked out! You start thinking about it every second your mind unoccupied to do other thinking. You afraid to go see the doctor because they might hurt you. You are scared that it might be true - you.have.diabetes.

When you knew the symptoms, you actually memories them and you'll do your best to do the total opposite. Just because you can't afford having diabetes.
  1. When you are damn thirsty, you avoid drinking.
  2. When you need to go the the toilet, you don't do so immediately.
  3. When you are exhausted, you push yourselves and avoid to stop doing whatever and lied. 'I'm not tired."
  4. When you loss weight, you tell yourselves, its the exercise you've done.
  5. When you notice your feet is swollen, you tell yourselves again, it is because you.are.fat.
You are psyched.

Now, read again start from the second line and change every yous to I. And the grammar too.

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