Friday 11 April 2014

What my handwriting says about me.

Agak susah kalau Wa suruh bayangkan tulisan Wa. Tulisan Wa buruk giler beb, boleh tanya bestfriend, Cik Put. Anyway, since this blog is about me, me and me. Wa bagi lah interpretation tulisan Wa. Lu nak tau, lu check sendiri. Nasihat Wa, lu tulis something dulu, like, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'. But that's too short, try amek notes korang sebelum ni lah. Kalau lu baca then baru tulis, confirm tulisan lu jadi cantik umpama Times New Roman size 12 spacing 1.5. Bahaha!! Have fun!


[size] average
I am well-adjusted and adaptable

[spacing between words] wide spacing
I enjoy my freedom and don't like to be overwhelmed or crowded

[slanting] no slant
I don't let my emotions get the best of me. I tend to be logical and practical

[shape of letters] connected letters
I am logical, systematic and make decisions carefully

[looping] narrow "l" loops and narrow "e" loops
I may be restricting myself, which could lead to feeling of tension.
I tend to be sceptical of others; I tend not to be swayed by the emotions of others

[dotting your i's] slashing your i's
Overly self-critical, don't have a lot of patience for inadequacy or people that don't learn from their mistakes.

[crossing your t's] right in the middle & short crosses
I am confident and feel comfortable in my own skin
I tend to be lazy and show lack of determination

[open & closed o's] closed
I am very private, limited to sharing my personal feelings, introvert

[lowercase cursive "s"] round lowercase cursive "s"
I am a people pleaser & tend to avoid confrontation

[page margins] write all over the page
I can't sit still or relax. My mind is constantly running.

[pressure] heavy
I am good with commitment & taking things seriously. If the pressure is excessively heavy, I tent to be uptight and can react quickly to criticism.

[speed] quickly
I am impatient, dislikes delays or time wasters

[signature] not legible
I am very private, hard to read or understand


So, that was interpretation of my handwriting. Try yours! It is super fun. Boleh guna untuk interview to 'describe yourself' or dalam personal statement.

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