Monday 8 August 2016

The Making of Ainaalif Junior - The Stick Test

Yes readers. You've heard it right. I'm pregnant. Alhamdulillah. Currently we're at 5th months.

I just nak cerita the journey so far.

So, my period. It has always been late, I don't have perfect 28-day period cycle. Mine like 30-40 days and I'm fine. Sebab, since my period memang lambat, it will come on or earlier within 30-40 days. Until, last April, I suspected that I was late, 1 week later than the late time. I dah pernah jumpa doctor and my mom is a teacher, dan nasihat mereka, tunggu at least 2 minggu lambat then do the pregnancy test sebab awal-awal that stick can't show anything yet or korang dapat result yang blur.

So, I've waited for another week. Suami tak tahu lagi yang period lambat time ni. We ollz buat relax je. Until I became very weak. Sakit badan, sakit kepala, angin, nak demam, you name it lah. Suami belikan ubat-ubat lagi sebab I memang weaklings pun. LOL.

It's that time to test, I bought a RM3 pregnancy test and tested in the office. I am kinda expected to see a double line and that what I saw. A double-line. Perasaan? I'm not sure. I was happy, excited and scared all at the same time. Snapped a picture and send it to suami and he was like, "Apa tu?". I remember he said he was shocked.

Since I did the test at the office dan suami takde time tu, he bought another stick to test. And yeap, more double-line.

Dan sejak hari itu, saya telah berbadan dua dan the journey to parenthood started then.

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