Sunday 25 December 2011

Awesome Classmates Part 3

Baru usai membaca nukilan P3-NebbyLax & ChahSaadah mengenai perihal rakan sekelas. Terdetik hati memperkenalkan rakan baru aku. Gittew~ Kah kah kah!

Hello there, the name is Aena. No, its not a real name. I prefer you spell it Aena or Ainaa. With double A. I kinda dislikes it if you spell it Aina. It's like you're not actually talking to me. So, if you rather spell Ainaa, Spell It Right (SIR) by News Strait Times. *Stop merepek*

Moving on, the classmates, consist of 29 awesome people.

  1. Aena
  2. Q
  3. Tirah
  4. Nasha
  5. Aei
  6. Bie
  7. Deeba
  8. Ekin
  9. Cik B
  10. Faris
  11. Yap
  12. Pak Din
  13. Naim
  14. Syed
  15. Azlan
  16. Sedan
  17. Anep
  18. Jimmy
  19. Anis
  20. Fuzah
  21. Ain
  22. Ayu
  23. Meny
  24. Erin
  25. Shikin
  26. Kak Pah
  27. Leya
  28. Ju
  29. Teha
A small class indeed.

My class is so-very-the-united-states-of-america. We've done several activities together.

First, Gunung Jerai! Only 8 managed to walked 12 kilometers from bottom to top! Including me! *applaused*

Next, makan-makan at Fader's. 

Official trip, the last trip for the first semester as Pioneer International Business. KL!

Kawan-kawan, saya sangat bersyukur dapat anda sekalian sebagai classmate saya untuk semester ini dan 2 semester akan datang. Alhamdulillah. Korang meme happening! heart u'ollz!


P3 Nebby-Lax said...

pentiru shalalala in the morning.. hahahahaha

Nena's said...

ape shalallala?? gile? haha

Anonymous said...

sedihh...sgt terharu..hehehe anep!

Lady in Pink said...

sukaaaa! :)

Anonymous said...

eh..ada ju juga? kimsalam ye. hehehe.

Nena's said...

anep: jgn nanges ye..
jejem: kite pun suka~ windu~
jue: ade gak ju. tp, jue syg lagi osem lah mesti..