Monday 25 March 2013

how long would you wait for the one you love

Love in Time of Cholera

What I understand from this movie are:

  • The man fell in love with the woman who loves him in return
  • They can't get married because her father want the best for her child and asked her to marry a doctor instead.
  • She marries the doctor.
  • He is brokenhearted. He tries to forget her and he slept with more than 300 women.
  • His love for her is eternal. Though he loves her very much, he NEVER disturb her marriage. 
    • If you love her, let her go. If she comes back she's yours. If she doesn't, you are never meant to be.
  • One day, her husband passed away. He approaches her again after many years. They are both now very old. VERY old.
  • They ignite their love sparks that long gone.
So, how long would you wait for the one you love?

nota mintak kaki: 
I ada kenal sorang ni, dia ada boyfriend dah, tapi dia still mesej ex-boyfriend dia cakap rindu semua. Awak, kalau betul awak rindu, awak masih sayang kan dia, baik awak biarkan dia bahagia dengan girlfriend baru dia tu. Saat bahagia awak dengan dia dah berakhir. Sekarang, please embrace and create good memories with your CURRENT boyfriend. Kalau awak nak melayan perasaan awak je dan ignore perasaan semua orang, please respect your CURRENT boyfriend's feeling.

nota mintak tangan:
kau memang dokter cinta pun aena~ pui!

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