Monday 18 April 2011

Funny Truth

Once upon a time, there live two girls, Maria and Sally. They had been a good friend to each other since forever. They live next to each other, went to school together and play together.

One fine day, a family moved next to Maria's house. The family had a cute daughter named Emily. Maria and Sally is excited to have a new neighbor! The more, the merrier, they say.

They started playing with each other almost everyday now. Almost? Cause Sally had a new routine, she had to go to piano class. Sometimes, only Maria and Emily, played together in the evening.

Things get worse for Sally. She felt like she had been abandon. Sometimes, even when Sally doesn't have piano classes, she is not invited to play with Maria and Emily. Well, she could just go to their houses but they are not home. Sally thought they went out with their parents, and they did. When Maria comes home, she told Sally about her trip with Emily to Disneyland. She sound excited. The more exited Maria felt, Sally felt hurt.

She started hating Maria, tough her mind told her that Emily is the bad influence. She swallow the fact that she had just lost her friend, Maria, and started hanging out with others.

After several years, three of them become a beautiful young ladies. Maria and Sally is no more close, but Maria and Emily is unseparateable. Though it been years, Sally is sad and hurt that she lost her friendship with Maria to Emily. She likes Emily a lot, she just can't get it why they don't approve her to be with them.

One day, Emily's father had been promoted. Emily and her family had to leave the town. Sally's heart broke when she heard the news, like said before, she likes Emily. Top of all, she knew that Maria will hurt lots more. And Sally's right.

For weeks, Maria looked lonely. Sometimes during the night, Sally spotted Maria, talking to Emily on the phone. They always connect each other with Facebook too! Sally is not jealous, she knew what it's like to lost friend, but, she thinks Maria's lost maybe hurt more, Emily physically is not around but Maria is always in sight.

After the 'mourning' session of Emily's move, Maria started to search for new friends, cause, practically, Emily is all she have. Suddenly, Maria tries to get close to Sally, her ex-close friend. A part of Sally is happy to get her back and of course, the bad part felt sad, it took Emily to leave to have Maria back, and another small part said, 'You deserved to be left! You left me now she left you! Now you know how it felt like! Serve you right.' Sally know, it's bad to think about her friend the way she thought about Maria. Hey, what the hell? She still accept Maria with open arms.

Maria and Sally become close again, she misses her so much and enjoy her company very well. Sometimes Maria update her about Emily, Sally knew Maria misses Emily, but that's OK. She misses Emily too.

One fine afternoon, Sally tries to contact Maria, they promised to go window shopping for the graduation dinner's dress together. Maria is never late, she's always punctual and she'll tell whenever she got something more urgent to do. Sally called Maria several times and Maria didn't answer the phone. She thought Maria left her phone at home and went out with her parents, so, she decided to stay at home, browsing the internet for the perfect dress.

At 10pm, Sally received a text message, from Maria.
'Hey babe, I'm so sorry I did not return your calls. My phone was left at home, I went to buy bread this morning and I bumped to Emily! She'll be here for a while, her father is on business trip. I went to hang out at her house. Sorry babe!'

Sally's hurt. She knew, time is not an advantage of being Maria's friend. She doesn't know what is. She knew Maria longer but Emily stuck like glue. She'll play it cool and let it be. When Emily left, Maria will come to her. That's how it goes..

It's funny but it's true.


Anonymous said...

Sedihnya T_T

Nena's said...

Tp Jue, ini cerita lawak~ hehhe