Friday 14 October 2011

Pasar Malam

Isnin - None
Selasa - RPA
Rabu - Kangar
Khamis - Pauh
Jumaat - Arau
Sabtu - None
Ahad - None

Above is the list of pasar malam location around Perlis my friends and I went to during last semester of diploma.  There are more though. In Jejawi and Kuala Perlis. But we seldom/never went there. These is where we usually went to..

So, for Isnin, Sabtu and Ahad, we (read: Aena, Nana, Tira sometimes with Shifaa and Chah) went buy food from any of the kedai makan. Sometimes we just ate roti bakar or fruits (sangat kadang-kadang).

Motive of this entry is, I, Aena Wani, misses the routine with Tira and Nana.. 
And I misses those two humans along with other important humans too.


p/s: Yes, we do have bread toaster tough we stayed in hostel.

1 comment:

shafi8 said...

untung le ada pasar malammm~ :p