Saturday 19 February 2011

Nobody's Baby But Mine

The title has nothing to do with the entry. It's a book title. Baca lah! *Peace*

How did it all begin?

- It's really is a surprise. Sangat shocked ok.

Where did you first meet?
- Kinta City, Ipoh. (Gatey.. Orang panggil JJ je sudah)

When did you first meet?
- Officially, May 2010.

Was it love at first sight?
- Nope. At least for me, no.

how old were you both?
- 20 and 27.. =)

When did you have your first kiss?
- Hurmm.. Rahsia~

Where was your first date?
- Restoran Tasik Raban, Ipoh.

When was it official?
- 02:04 060810

The good...

Whats your happiest memory of him?
- Every time he made the ugly-painful-bitter truth to be beautiful-nice-sweet truth.

Whats the sweetest thing he has ever done for you?
- Called at 9am in the morning, singing Chantek, while I'm not fully awake. Cheese!

Does he buy you lots of gifts?
- We can say that. =)

Whats your favorite thing to do together?
- Be together. =)

When did you know you were falling in love?
- Everyday after 02:04 060810

Who said I love you first?
- He did.

When was that?
- 22:01 060610 - 'Sayang dah ada. Cinta dah ada. Rindu many-many' - Sweet talker!

Whats his worst habit?
- Sorry dear, smoking is.

What annoys you about him?
- He's manipulative. Reverse psycho. Kan! Saya pula selalu tertipu, cheese kepada saya balik.

Has he ever hurt you badly?
- Psychically, nope.

Would he ever cheat?
- Menipu? Always

Has he ever cheated?
- Yes. It's in his blood. =p

Do you trust him?
- Regardless all the lies, I do trust him with all my heart

The ugly....

Best facial feature?
- Lips. It's draws a nice curve. =)

Favorite part of his body?
- Hands / fingers.

Hair colour?
- Red + Black. Yeah!

What does he smell of?
- White Musk - BodyShop

Whats he wearing when you picture him in your head?
- Baju melayu! Kacak!


How do you feel when he holds you?
- Unsecured. Dia akan tolak so that saya langgar orang.

How do you feel when you fall asleep and wake up in his arms?
- Happiest, luckiest and bestest feeling in the whole wide world

How does it feel when he touches you?
- I feel touched! Hoho

Does his touch give you goose bumps?
- Em, sometimes.

Deep and meaningful...

Could you be without him?
- Literally, I can survive. Emotionally, don't think so.

Do you think about him constantly when your apart?
- Yes yes yes

How long have you been together?
- Currently, 6 months, 1 weeks, 6 days. Kejap je..

Can you see a future together?
- We think so.

Would you like to get married?
- Me, of course. With whom? I'll send invitation. (Does 'you' here means me and bF?)

Have children?
- Answer is the same as above.

Where can you see your relationship in 5 years time?
- I'll be 26. He'll be 35. Together hopefully.

Do you know there is definitely no-one better out there for you?
- I don't actually. The destiny is written, unfortunately, I don't have the access to read them. ;)

How do you know this?
- Belief.

Are you scared he might find someone better?
- If that is written for him, who am I to deny it.

Is he your best friend as well as your lover?
- Yes.

Does he come first over everyone else in your life?
- He's first. After family. =p

Would you die for him?
- I refuse to be a hypocrite

Whats the funniest thing you have ever done together?
- Too many to mention

Say something that only you two understand.
- Banyak macam keselesaan selimut dihari dingin.

Do you have nick names for each other?
- ermm.. Not really

Does he make you laugh?
- Yes!

Do you wrestle?
- Not yet

Is he ticklish?
- Yes yes yes


The last time you saw him?
- 050211

Kissed him?
- Rahsia

Spoke to him?
- Just now, on the phone.

The last text he sent you?
- About 10 minutes ago

When will you...

See him again?
- Study week or after final exams.

Speak to him again?
- Later tonight

Tell him you love him again?
- Soon

(Nampak beno dah maleh nyerr, jawab pun pendek aje)

Have you ever...

Spent the night together?
- Yes.

Celebrated a holiday together?
- Nope. Haish

Met his parents?
- Nope juga.

Made him cry?
- I don't think he's crying types. Dia macho oke. =)

Done anything spontaneous together?
- Everytime

Is this love?
- Yes yes yes.

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