Thursday 10 February 2011


6.31am -
Attempt to wake up early. Prepare nicely for Selling Presentation. If the presentation went bad, the appearance might help.

8.00am -
Selling class start. Me. No where in sight.

8.20am -
Jue called, I didn't hear a thing. Nana knocked hard the door. Pity her hand. Sorry dear.

8.30am -
Went to class. Thank God class is not far away and lecturer always 30 minutes late. I went to class wearing shirt, jeans, shawl and sprayed perfume - just brushed my teeth, too late to pampered self showering.

9.30am -
Presentation time! First comment from dear lecturer, 'You smell nice.' ahaa!! Did the presentation the best I could.

10.00am -
Class dismissed.

Moral of the day:
  • Do not wake up late on the day of presentation which carries 10 marks. If you're not sure you can't make it, ask for help - friends, not hotline.
  • Have lots of friends, got their back, and they'll get yours.
  • Buy a nice perfume. =)

Greatest thanks to JUE NIDZAM, CHAH SAADAH and JEM ZUBIR because you guys worried for me. Glad to have you as friends. Sayang semua!

Million thanks to NANA AZIZ caused you don't have class at 8.00am and are there to wake me up.

p/s: I did know how much I get for this presentation. Alhamdulillah syukur nikmat, kepada Tuhan yang memberi rahmat.


Anonymous said...

welcome =) mst la i care about u aena syg <3

Nena's said...

I care about u too dear Jue~ <3