Thursday 10 March 2011

Nur Jamilah Zubir

Also known as Jem, Jamie, J.Me, La, Miloh, Jamilah etc.

She's a nice young lady, who spoke to me first (I'm not good with first approach)
She LOVES pink.
She LOVES cats. And all cats in this whole-wide-world is called baby.

During the orientation, most of the girls got food poisoning. I notices, Jem is not around, as a good friend, I ask, weather she's all right (concern). I sent her a text asking about her, and she said she's fine. She ended the text by saying 'Thank you. I love you.' As a naive-fresh-graduate-from-all-girls -school.. I misinterpret the text and saying she's a lesbian! OMG!!! I just got here and I got an admirer?! (Perempuan-gile-perasan!). But now, I known her for 3 years, and I know, that I truly love her.

Jamie.. I'll be missing you..

I'll miss playing with you during the class..
I'll miss listening tho 'asheme' and 'nomo-nomo' songs..
I'll miss playing the screen during presentation..
I'll miss gossiping..
I'll miss godaan membunuh..
I'll miss kemanjaan menggerunkan..
I'll miss 'Aku tumbok kang!'..
I'll miss 'Jangan panggil Jem Miloh, nanti Jem merajuk.'..
I'll miss pink..
I'll miss Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Jamie.. Thank you..

Thank you for the great diploma years..
Thank you for being the straw to my berry.. (Tak suka sangat strawberry sebenarnya)
Thank you for sharing..
Thank you for arguing..
Thank you for laughing..
Thank you for playing..
Thank you for studying..
Thank you for being Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Jamie.. Sorry..

Sorry if I ever bad-mouth..
Sorry if I hurt you purposely or not..
Sorry if I ask you to play too much..
Sorry if I did anything you did not like..
Sorry if I lied..
Sorry if I ever made you cry..
Sorry Nur Jamilah Zubir..

Don't cry Jamie.. I love you..


Lady in Pink said...

ainaa hazwani - bogoshippo! ♥

nena wani - naega neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu neomu joa!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Nena's said...

jemni..pandai nyerrrr reka lirik!

P3 Nebby-Lax said...

hahahaha.... amende jem ckp tu????

Lady in Pink said...

1) i miss you~

2) i love you many many many many!!!