Tuesday 1 March 2011

BBQ Class Gitu

Alkisah, hari tu, classmates organized BBQ. Tough not everybody attended, it was really a great success. To food was amazing, the laughter, the bond of friendship (ye budak bisnes, bukan bond dalam Finance tu ye). Basically, everything is superb.

It was held somewhere in block A, do not exactly know the specific name, near Dewan Sri Semarak, formerly known as Dewan Baru. There's nothing newer than baru, might as well change the name. *wink*

I arrived at crime scene (where they grilled chicken, prawn, kerang, squid etc) at 8.15pm with Jue and J.Me. Surprisingly, everything was almost ready.

Saya terkedu, terekejut, malu, segan pun ada. It's like I'm just a visitor, a VIP. It's kind of a good thing, to do nothing. But, tak sedap hati-lah, diri-lah, badan lah.

The pictures are from sszz's 'Saya seorang part 6 (:' photo album in Facebook. Even the boys came to help.

Ape ni anak dara ni.

p/s: Just to make myself feels better, if it works, I don't know when they start cooking, I waited for anybody to call or cheaper, text. Bukan too dependent on others, just, the proposal have not come to knowledge.


The happy family (not all)

the girl friend and a boy sibuk

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