Thursday 12 May 2011

Kesinambungan Pelbagai Aspek

Apekejadah title???!!


Merujuk kepada entri ini, yes yes, this one.

Kita buka cerita, mengapa mereka melakukan hal sedemikian dan apa yang berlaku selepasnya..

Mengapa? Why? Wei shenme? Porque?

Ye ye ye, sebelum ni ada bg 2 contoh.. Ni nak attack satu contoh lain je, ke-jeles-an terlampau.

Ia juga boleh dikaitkan dengan reason #1 hari tu, lack of trust.

Ayuh kita tengok belog orang lain pula *promo promo promo*
Chek adek maneesh Jamie Zubir, ada terjumpa satu article menarik about The reason why I broke up.

Tang Ai nak attack, nak cari pasal with, sangat tak puas hati with..

Boy : I.. Well! You know, she'd get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She's so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn't bitch about it.

His best friend : So, you broke up her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..

1. Seriously ada kawan lelaki (his best friend) yang akan comfort anda (boy) macam ini?
2. Seriously anda (boy) akan hesitate sebab awek anda terlampau jeles?
3. Seriously??

Jawapan serius no 1 :
Maaf kepada sesiapa yang terasa, Ai tak tahu perangai lelaki (his best friend) macam mana, tapi, bagi Ai, kawan perempuan, yang ada kawan lelaki (boy) yang ada awek terlampau jeles, Ai tak berapa gemar dengan Cik Awek awak.

Jawapan serius 1.1 :
His best friend just want to comfort you, make you feel oh-so-guilty. Maybe he's into your girl? Hah! Tidak!! Well, tu adalah jawapan standard dan cliche. Nak jawapan jujur dan serius, you just punch 'em in the face. C'mon, apa ada hal tumbuk sikit, lelaki kan kuat..

Jawapan serius 2 :
Anda (boy) ragu-ragu dengan keputusan anda? Ya! Ai tahu, anda masih sayang, tipu kalau anda dah tak sayang in just a day. Yesterday you said you love me, today you want to break up with me. WT*. Ai tak percaya semua itu. Anyway, kalau Cik Awek buat hidup anda like living hell. Being with her make you lie lie lie and keep lying. What's good in that? Mesti anda impikan hidup berpasangan penuh kejujuran? Aww, stop lying, admit it. Hell go with, 'I love you they way you are.' Well girl, because of your jealousy, he can't be who he is.

Jawapan serius 3 :
Nah.. You are not serius at all. Baru lepas kena basuh dengan kawan sikit, you'll go home, check your phone and call her, 'I'm sorry, let's be together again, I promise this time it is forever'

Pertanyaan Cik Ai untuk Cik Awek :
Bila Encik Bekas Tupperware (ex) anda nak talk to other girls, every time anda rasa he's going to cheat? Curang? It's not his intention to cheat but Cik Awek, untuk mengelakkan dari Encik Bekas Tupperware anda menipu, anda telah ditipu oleh nya.

Jealousy tu penting, bagus juga, orang kata tanda sayang. Kejelesan melampau tu, tak tahu la Ai, Ai rasa macam obses? Oh no! Ai love you to love me, Ai don't want you to be obsessed to me. It's freaking me out! Serious 4!

Maaf mulut yang kurang berbudi. Maaf jari tangan yang tak bertamadun. Maaf otak fikiran yang sungguh tak sopan. Maaf.


Syamir Azraai said...

xtau nk like ka x post ni. but it is the truth.

Anonymous said...

i've been there..jealousy won't bring u will eventually destroy your relationship..too jealous sometimes indicate that you do no trust your partner..xperlu lah semua benda nk check kan? and your partner pn ade life kot..dunia ni bukan hanya ada awak berdua je..jangan lupa, jodoh maut di tgn tuhan..klo dah mmg jodoh xkan ke mana..klo xde nak wat mcm mane kan..

maaf..panjang pula komen..
maaf pada siapa2 yg mungkin terasa.
macam luahan perasaan pulak..hoho..