Wednesday 17 August 2011

Day 11: Favorite tv shows

I'm tooooooooooo verrrrryyyyyyy lazy to follow tv shows..

The only time I'll follow it, when I have all the series of the season.

Here goes,

This is how they began..

This is how they end..

Loving every drama, tears, laugh, excitement, etc.
Love it sooooo much I hope the series never ends..
Love it soooo much, I'm glad its ended perfectly...


Syamir Azraai said...

cta ni best gila. tpi smpai season 6 kot. then dh jdi mengarut. huuu ;(

Nena's said...

mle xske gak start season 7.. tp, trus kan tgk, not bad.. ko suke ade lucas + peyton kannn

a d i n said...

aku simpan lagi season 1-8 dlm hardisk ni, xD dgr cite skrg tgh filming utk season 9, uwargh!

Nena's said...

dah habis lnsg da lah wey :P